
Benvenuti in queste pagine dedicate a scienza, storia ed arte. Amelia Carolina Sparavigna, Torino

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Gemma Constantiniana

"Intricately carved agate set within a glittering frame, the Gemma Constantiniana displays a victorious tableau enriched with polished rubies and emeralds. This awe-inspiring cameo is thought to have been made in the 4th century, and since then has found itself in the possession of merchants, mutineers and royalty. This unique object was featured within the Western Australian Museum exhibition, Travellers and Traders in the Indian Ocean World."
The tale of the Gemma Constantiniana

"Per un incredibile coincidenza del fato, la Gemma riemerge dall’oblio nel 1622, entrando nella collezione di uno dei più grandi pittori di sempre, Rubens. Nel 1628, ad Anversa, Theodoor Rogiersz aggiunge al cameo una cornice di gemme, probabilmente su richiesta del nuovo proprietario Gaspar Boudaen, che ha intenzione di venderla al sovrano dell’Impero Moghul. Il mezzo scelto per trasportarla? La Batavia. Per alcuni mesi, resta quindi nelle mani dello psicopatico Jeronimus Cornelisz e degli altri ammutinati."

315 - Rome  Cameo made in honour of Constantine’s victory over his rival Maxentius in AD 312.
330? - Constantinople
1204 - Constantinople - sack of Constantinople.
1204-1622 - France?
1622 - Antwerp.  Cameo in possession of Peter-Paul Rubens.
1628 - Antwerp. Frame with gems added by Theodoor Rogiersz in Antwerp.
1628, Oct - Amsterdam - Gaspar Boudaen, to be sold to the Great Mogul of India.
1628, Oct 28 - Texel - The Batavia under command of Francisco Pelsaert leaves Texel with the Great cameo.
1629, Jun 4 - Abrolhos Islands, off the coast of Western Austalia. Shipwreck of Batavia.
1629, Jun 4 – Sep 17 - Cameo in possession of the mutineers.
1629, Oct 2 - Cameo retrieved from mutineers.
1629, Dec - Batavia (Jakarta)
1632 - Suratte, India. Cameo taken  to Suratte, India for sale.. No deal.
1633 - Batavia - Cameo returns to Batavia.
1634, Aug - Batavia. Cameo stays in Batavia.
1636? - Gamron, Persia. Cameo sent to Gamron in Persia. No deal.
1637, Jun - Batavia. Cameo returns to Batavia.
1637, Dec - Achin, Sumatra.
1638, Feb 24. Achin, Sumatra. King of Atjeh refuses to buy the cameo.
1640, Suratte, India. Cameo for sale to governor Mirmousa. No deal.
1641, Apr - Batavia. Cameo returns to Batavia aboard the warship Nieuw-Zeeland.
1641 - 1647 - Batavia - Cameo in store
1647 - Suratte, India. Gaspar Boudaen's son takes cameo to Suratte, but he fails to sell it.
1653-1656 - The Netherlands - Cameo returns to the heirs of Gaspar Boudaen in the Netherlands
1656-1756 - The Netherlands, Unknown
1756, Sep 11 - Amsterdam, Cameo is auctioned, probably to Jacob Hop.
1808 - Paris.  Cameo is almost sold to Napoleon for ff 110.000. Events in 1813 preclude a deal.
1823 - Leiden. King Willem I buys the cameo for fl 50.000 from Jacob Hop’s grandson.
2007, May 24 - Utrecht. Money museum in Utrecht
2014, Jan 15 - Leiden. Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden