
Benvenuti in queste pagine dedicate a scienza, storia ed arte. Amelia Carolina Sparavigna, Torino

Showing posts with label news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label news. Show all posts

Monday, June 17, 2013

Festival Beethoven

Dal 24 al 30 giugno 2013, Piazza San Carlo

Le 9 Sinfonie con l’Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI e il Coro del Teatro Regio. I Concerti con l’Orchestra Filarmonica di Torino e grandi interpreti.
Tutte le sere, ore 21, Ingresso libero

Immagine non-photorealistic rendering; vedi A.C. Sparavigna, B Montrucchio,  
Non-photorealistic image rendering with a labyrinthine tiling, http://arxiv.org/abs/cs/0609084

From 24th to 30th June in Piazza San Carlo, seven evenings of free classical music by the Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI (RAI National Symphonic Orchestra) and Torino Philharmonic Orchestra.

Festival Beethoven. The RAI National Symphonic Orchestra will perform Beethoven’s Nine symphonies and Torino Philharmonic Orchestra, with young talents already nationally affirmed, four of five Concerts for the Piano, the Concert for Orchestra and Violins and the Triple Concert.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Terra Madre

Slow Food’s Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre is an international food fair. Held from October 25-29 this year and fully open to the public, it’s an opportunity to discover the foods that change the world.
"‘Foods that change the world’ is the slogan behind Slow Food’s biggest international event - Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre taking place in Turin over October 25-29 - in recognition of the collective power of the hundreds of responsible small-scale food producers, chefs and experts who will gather for these five days." They are coming in Torino from all the world,  with  stories, products and passion, to present their experience of the world of food and wine, to allowing discovering different cultures and related knowledge and skills behind foods.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Robert Wilson: Portraits at Palazzo Madama

Video portraits by Robert Wilson, an artist, choreographer, painter, video artist, sound and light designer -http://robertwilson.com/about/biography, at Palazzo Madama, from 20th September to 06th January 2013.
Subjects of his video-portraits are among the others,  actors such as Brad Pitt and  Johnny Depp, and a  Nobel Laureate, the writer Gao Xingjian. His videoportrait is in the treasure tower of the Palazzo. We can see him on the bent glasses of  a showcase of  the tower.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Leonardo, Genio e Mito

Alla Venaria Reale (Torino) si apre la mostra su Leonardo da Vinci. Il titolo è "Leonardo, il Genio, il Mito".
In esposizione vi è l'autoritratto della Biblioteca Reale e il Codice del Volo.
In una pagina del codice, sotto la scrittora di Leonardo, vi è un ritratto, forse un suo autoritratto da giovane.
Vedi http://staff.polito.it/amelia.sparavigna/da-vinci-portrait.html

Image processing della pagina del codice, A.C. Sparavigna

Monday, July 18, 2011

Appelli del Santo Padre per la Somalia e il Corno d'Africa

«Con profonda preoccupazione seguo le notizie provenienti dalla regione del Corno d`Africa e in particolare dalla Somalia, colpita da una gravissima siccità e in seguito, in alcune zone, anche da forti piogge, che stanno causando una catastrofe umanitaria». Lo ha detto papa Benedetto XVI durante l'Angelus da Castel Gandolfo, ricordando le «innumerevoli persone stanno fuggendo da quella tremenda carestia in cerca di cibo e di aiuti».
«Auspico - ha poi detto facendo un appello - che cresca la mobilitazione internazionale per inviare tempestivamente soccorsi a questi nostri fratelli e sorelle già duramente provati, tra cui vi sono tanti bambini. Non manchi a queste popolazioni sofferenti - ha concluso Benedetto XVI - la nostra solidarietà e il concreto sostegno di tutte le persone di buona volontà».

Thursday, July 14, 2011

South Sudan, the newest country

"South Sudan, officially known as The Republic of South Sudan, is a country in East Africa. Its capital and largest city is Juba, located in the southern state of Central Equatoria. The landlocked country is bordered by Ethiopia to the east; Kenya to the southeast; Uganda to the south; the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the southwest; the Central African Republic to the west; and the Sudan to the north. South Sudan includes the vast swamp region of the Sudd formed by the White Nile, locally called the Bahr al Jabal."
Newest country and football team  too...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ethanol made from corn

ENERGY, Ethanol Blamed for Record Food Prices
A more flexible policy could ease the impact of ethanol mandates on worldwide markets.
"Earlier this month, the United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization reported that global food prices had risen for eight consecutive months, reaching the highest levels since the agency started tracking prices in 1990. The prices are high in large part because of steadily growing worldwide demand for food, and because of natural disasters that have hurt harvests, but they're also affected by government policies."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Engineers strive to keep Japan's reactors under control | News | The Engineer

Engineers strive to keep Japan's reactors under control | News | The Engineer

Emperor Akihito's Address

Japan's emperor urges victims not to 'abandon hope'
"Japanese Emperor Akihito made an unprecedented televised address to his disaster-stricken nation Wednesday, saying he was "deeply worried" by the crisis at damaged nuclear reactors and urging people to help each other in difficult times."
"I am deeply hurt by the grievous situation in the affected areas. The number of deceased and missing increases by the day we cannot know how many victims there will be. My hope is that as many people possible are found safe," Akihito said.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Questi tremendi eventi

Il Papa esprime la sua vicinanza alle popolazioni del Giappone colpite dal terremoto e dallo tsunami. Un telegramma, a firma del segretario di Stato, cardinale Tarcisio Bertone, è stato inviato dal Papa a monsignor Leo Jun Ikenaga, arcivescovo di Osaka e presidente della Conferenza episcopale giapponese. Nel messaggio, Benedetto XVI esprime il proprio cordoglio per le vittime del cataclisma e per le loro famiglie e si dice vicino ai soccorritori.

The Hindu : News / International : Meltdown threat after hydrogen blast at Japanese nuclear plant

The Hindu : News / International : Meltdown threat after hydrogen blast at Japanese nuclear plant

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Messaggio Quirinale a S.M. Akihito

"La notizia delle gravissime conseguenze del sisma che ha colpito il nord-est del Giappone, provocando vittime e grandi distruzioni materiali, mi ha profondamente addolorato". Lo ha scritto il Presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano nel messaggio inviato all'Imperatore del Giappone, S.M. Akihito.
"In questo momento così drammatico - ha sottolineato il Capo dello Stato - l'Italia, unita al Suo Paese da saldi vincoli di profonda amicizia, si stringe al popolo giapponese.
Con questi sentimenti, desidero trasmetterLe a nome mio personale e di tutto il popolo italiano il più sentito cordoglio e le espressioni di umana solidarietà per le vittime".

Radiation risk

Japan earthquake shuts nuclear facilities but radiation risk unlikely | News | The Engineer
"The massive earthquake that struck off Japan’s northeast coast today has triggered the automatic shutdown of four nuclear power stations, with reports of a non-reactor fire in one and problems with the cooling system in another.
However, there has been no reported leakage of radiation from any of the reactors and based on previous experience of earthquakes at nuclear power plants experts say there is unlikely to be any."

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Northern Honshu devastated

"Rescuers struggled to reach survivors on Saturday morning as Japan reeled after an earthquake and a tsunami struck in deadly tandem. The 8.9-magnitude earthquake set off a devastating tsunami that sent walls of water washing over coastal cities in the north. Concerns mounted over possible radiation leaks from two nuclear plants near the earthquake zone."

Friday, March 11, 2011


Just hours after the earthquake stuck Japan, triggering a powerful tsunami, a volcano has erupted in Indonesia. This is one of Indonesia’s most active volcanos, Mount Karangetang
Volcán Karangetang erupciona en Indonesia
"Horas después del terremoto de 8.9 grados que golpeó a Japón, un volcán entró en erupción en Indonesia, sin que haya todavía datos precisos sobre daños o víctimas."

Tsunamis hit Japan

Massive 8.9 quake, tsunamis hit Japan, By the CNN Wire Staff

March 11, 2011 -- Updated 0902 GMT (1702 HKT)