
Benvenuti in queste pagine dedicate a scienza, storia ed arte. Amelia Carolina Sparavigna, Torino

Showing posts with label Pantelleria bust. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pantelleria bust. Show all posts

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Morphing Giulio Cesare: da Aquinum a Pantelleria

La testa di Cesare (a sinistra) è stata trovata ad Aquinum. L'eccezionale scoperta è dovuta agli archeologi diretti da Giuseppe Ceraudo, dell’Università del Salento. A destra c'è il volto del Cesare di Pantelleria sovrapposto alla testa di Aquinum.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Comparing the Profiles of Caesar's Heads given by the Pantelleria Marble Bust and by a Coin of 44 BC

Comparing the Profiles of Caesar's Heads given by the Pantelleria Marble Bust and by a Coin of 44 BC: Here we want to show an interesting fact concerning the profile of the Caesar’s head, which is portrayed in the Pantelleria marble bust. It is the same of the portrait of Caesar given by a coin of 44 BC. The coin was struck just after Caesar's refusal of the crown offered by Mark Antony during the Lupercalia.

The Profiles of Caesar's Heads given by Tusculum and Pantelleria Marbles

The Profiles of Caesar's Heads given by Tusculum and Pantelleria Marbles: Here we want to show a comparison of the profiles of Julius Caesar’s head, as portrayed in Tusculum and in Pantelleria marbles. These profiles are in good agreement and are in good agreement to that given in a coin of 44 BC, struck one month before Caesar’s assassination.