
Benvenuti in queste pagine dedicate a scienza, storia ed arte. Amelia Carolina Sparavigna, Torino

Monday, April 18, 2011

Kongo Rikishi come Ercole

"Kongōrikishi are an interesting case of the possible transmission of the image of the Greek hero Heracles to East Asia along the Silk Road. Heracles was used in Greco-Buddhist art to represent Vajrapani, the protector of the Buddha, and his representation was then used in China and Japan to depict the protector gods of Buddhist temples. This transmission is part of the wider Greco-Buddhist syncretic phenomenon, where Buddhism interacted with the Hellenistic culture of Central Asia from the 4th century BC to the 4th century AD.*"
According to Wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shukongoshin
* "The origin of the image of Vajrapani should be explained. This deity is the protector and guide of the Buddha Sakyamuni. His image was modeled after that of Hercules. (...) The Gandharan Vajrapani was transformed in Central Asia and China and afterwards transmitted to Japan, where it exerted stylistic influences on the wrestler-like statues of the Guardian Deities (Nio)." (Katsumi Tanabe, "Alexander the Great, East-West cultural contacts from Greece to Japan", p23)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hokusai manga - cat

Un gatto di Hokusai
Museo Arte Orientale, Torino

Kongo Rikishi

Kongo Rikishi stante su base rocciosa
legno di cipresso giapponese dipinto, altezza cm 230,5
Giappone, periodo Kamakura, seconda metà XIII secolo

Imponente statua realizzata con pezzi assemblati (yosegi-zukuri). Rappresenta uno dei due guardiani del tempio e della dottrina buddhista posti in coppia ai lati della porta dei monasteri. Ha la bocca chiusa e contratta per esprimere l’esplosivo hum, il terribile mantra delle divinità furiose.

Museo Arte Orientale, Torino

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Raised fields and qochas

The "raised fields" are an ancient agricultural technique, based on the used of earthworks and a system of canals and ponds for water. This technique was used in South America, long before Columbus. Near the Titicaca Lake, it is possible to see using the Google Maps, a huge area marked by the remains of this agricultural system. In fact, some local farmers are still using old raised fields.

Are the following structures I found by means of Google Maps, modern or ancient?
Have they a symbolic meaning?

The "sun wheel"
Comparison 2011-2010
Another "sun wheel"
Two circular and radial structures.
The location of these images is the Chicchapampa, Lake Titicaca. 
To see other geoglyphs of Titicaca, use please the label "Geoglyphs".

Friday, April 15, 2011

Moray Inca ruin

Moray, after processing of a Google Maps image

Moray is an archaeological site in Peru approximately 50 km northwest of Cuzco. The site contains unusual Inca ruins, mostly consisting of several enormous terraced circular depressions, the largest of which is about 30 m deep. Wiki reports a very interesting information: the depth and orientation with respect to wind and sun of the depression creates a temperature difference of as much as 15 °C between the top and bottom. According to Wiki "this large temperature difference was possibly used by the Inca to study the effects of different climatic conditions on crops. In other words, Moray was perhaps an Inca agricultural experiment station. As with many other Inca sites, it also has a sophisticated irrigation system."

Andenes as level curves

Andenes as level curves, near Ayacucho, Peru
After processing a Google Maps image.

"Andenes are terraces dug into the slopes of mountains for agricultural purposes. They were constructed and much used in the Andes mountain range to provide cultivable hillsides. The majority of these terraces were constructed and used by the pre-Hispanic cultures, and many can still be observed throughout the region."

Another wheel

A geoglyph near Chicchapampa, Lake Tititcaca, Peru, 

Sun wheel

A geoglyph at Chicchapampa,  Lake Titicaca 
Image adapted from Google Maps.

see also

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Stellar vibrations

"Scientists have long known that the atmosphere of the Sun oscillates. In the same way seismologists use earthquakes to model the interior of the Earth, helioseismologists use vibrations observed on the Sun to probe deeper into our star. Oscillations of about 25 other stars have also been studied in the emerging field of asteroseismology. Now, thanks to the Kepler space telescope, a team led by Bill Chaplin, at the University of Birmingham, UK, has increased this figure significantly."
Kepler picks up stellar vibrations - physicsworld.com

Elusive WIMPS

On the XENON collaboration to find WIMPS
WIMP no-show casts a shadow over dark matter - physicsworld.com

Monday, April 11, 2011


When a red giant star collaps on itself a burst of neutrinos is produced. This occurs before that light is emitted in the explosion, The SuperNova Early Warning System (SNEWS) is a network of neutrino detectors designed to give an early warning to astronomers of a supernova event in the Milky Way. The neutrino pulse from supernova 1987A was detected 3 hours before the photons.
The current members of SNEWS are Borexino, Super-Kamiokande, LVD, SNO and IceCube.

Neutrinos in IceCube

The IceCube Neutrino Observatory (or simply IceCube) is a neutrino telescope constructed at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica. Similar to its predecessor, the Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array (AMANDA), IceCube contains thousands of spherical optical sensors called Digital Optical Modules (DOMs), each with a photomultiplier tube (PMT) and a single board data acquisition computer which sends digital data to the counting house on the surface above the array. More http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IceCube_Neutrino_Observatory
"IceCube, which was completed in December 2010, is a kilometer-cubed array of photodetectors that have been drilled down into the Antarctic ice cap... The IceCube team compared 13 months of their data (collected when the array was half finished) to observations of 117 Gamma-Ray Bursts measured independently over the same time period. Contrary to expectations, no high-energy neutrinos were detected within a half-hour of each GRB. Theorists may need to rethink their models of GRBs, as well as look for other possible sources for the highest energy cosmic rays." This is what Michael Schirber writes in

Il Buddha dei Leoni

Il Buddha siede su un trono sorretto da tre leoni, che poggia a sua volta su un piedistallo fiancheggiato da due  devoti monaci. La veste monastica dalle pieghe accuratamente disegnate e priva di cintura rivela il corpo ben modellato. Il lembo dello scialle scende dalla spalla sinistra terminando in un doppia “coda di pesce”.
Il leone in questa iconografia evoca  il suo ruggito (simhanada) ossia la voce del Buddha che penetra lo spazio divulgando la Dottrina.
Museo Arte Orientale, Torino

Friday, April 8, 2011

Planets heated by dark matter

Audacious notion of the week: planets heated by dark matter - March 30, 2011
"It’s dark outside, permanently. The sun twinkles in the distance barely bigger than other stars. But the ground is warm, and oceans are teaming with life. That’s the scenario envisioned by Dan Hooper and Jason Steffen of Fermi National Laboratory in Batavia Illinois, who released a preprint yesterday about the possibility of dark matter heating planets that are otherwise too far from their host stars to be habitable."
More Nature.com

According to Dan Hooper and Jason Steffen, they " have calculated the capture rate of dark matter particles in Earth-like and super-Earth planets, and determined the resulting surface temperature of those planets that would result from dark matter annihilations. While planets in the local region of our galaxy receive only a negligible quantity of energy from dark matter annihilations," the authors" find that planets in dwarf spheroidal galaxies and in the innermost volume of the Milky Way could plausibly accumulate and annihilate enough dark matter to heat their surfaces to temperatures capable of sustaining liquid water, even in the absence of energy from starlight or other standard sources. Although" they "expect ecologically relevant quantities of energy to be released through dark matter annihilations only within the interiors of planets that reside in very special environments (such as near the Galactic Center, or near the center of a dwarf spheroidal galaxy), and only in the case of dark matter models which feature large elastic scattering cross sections with nuclei (near the current upper limits)," the authors "expect that within such models planets will exist which derive enough heat from dark matter to almost indefi nitely sustain surface temperatures suffi cient to yield liquid water. Even in the absence of starlight, such planets could plausibly contain life. And, given their extremely long lifetimes, such planets may prove to be the ultimate bastion of life in our universe."

Tevatron claims glimpse of particles beyond standard model

Tevatron claims possible glimpse of particles beyond the standard model - April 06, 2011
"Just as the Tevatron, the proton-antiproton collider at Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois, enters its final months of operations, possible signals of new physics are emerging. First came a report from the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) experiment of a puzzling asymmetry in the way top quarks decay into lighter particles. Now the same experiment is reporting on the possible observation of particles beyond the standard model in collisions that produce a W boson – a particle of the weak nuclear force. Spokesmen for the experiment say the signal may be due to random fluctuations, but that it’s nonetheless causing some excitement. “Either what we thought we knew about this process is wrong or there’s a totally new effect,” says Giovanni Punzi, CDF co-spokesman."

Chankillo - 2 - Peru

Image obtained after processing Google Maps

The Thirteen Towers of Chankillo are built north to south along a ridge of a low hill, regularly spaced. To the east and west investigators found two observation points, to observe the rising and setting positions of the Sun over the year. This suggests that some activities of the ancient civilization were regulated by a solar calendar. The towers had been known to travelers for centuries, but the astronomical function of the towers was discovered in 2007 by Iván Ghezzi and Clive Ruggle. 
Read more Wiki

Chankillo - 1 - Peru

Image obtained after processing Google Maps

Chankillo is an ancient monumental complex in the Peruvian coastal desert, in the Ancash Department of Peru. The ruins include the hilltop Chankillo fort, the nearby Thirteen Towers solar observatory, and residential and gathering areas. The Thirteen Towers are believed to have been a solar observatory built in the 4th century BC. As of 2008, the culture that produced Chankillo is unnamed.
More wiki

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Einstein secret

James Dacey (physicsworld) is blogging on a new iconic image of Einstein, creation of Spanish artist Juan Osbourne. It is a game to find some hidden numbers.
Play the game at

Created by Juan Osborne (under this Creative Commons License)
This is an image from a beautiful collection

The hunt for the elusive Higgs

"Physicists at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are confident that they can find the Higgs boson by the end of 2012, when the machine will be shut down temporarily...The most sought after particle in particle physics – the Higgs boson – is believed to endow all other particles with mass. It is also the last undiscovered component of particle physicists' great theoretical framework – the Standard Model. After decades searching for the Higgs in particle collisions at CERN, and at Fermilab in the US, researchers at the LHC believe they may finally have the elusive particle within their grasp."
The hunt for the elusive Higgs - physicsworld.com

Thin film has 'astonishing' ability to rotate light

"Physicists in Austria and Germany have taken the Faraday effect to a new extreme by rotating the polarization of light by 45° by passing it through an extremely thin film. This "giant Faraday effect" could someday be used to create optical transistors that switch light or to improve terahertz imaging systems."
Thin film has 'astonishing' ability to rotate light - physicsworld.com

The teacher appears

But lo! the teacher Jizô appears,
All gently he comes, and says to the weeping infants:
"Be not afraid, dears! be never fearful!
Poor little souls, your lives were brief indeed!
Too soon you were forced to make the weary journey to the Meido,
The long journey to the region of the dead!
Trust to me! I am your father and mother in the Meido,
Father of all children in the region of the dead."
And he folds the skirt of his shining robe about them;
So graciously takes he pity on the infants.
To those who cannot walk he stretches forth his strong shakujô,
And he pets the little ones, caresses them, takes them to his loving bosom.
So graciously he takes pity on the infants.
Namo Jizo Bosatsu!

The Legend of the Humming of the Sai-no-Kawara,
by Lafcadio Hearn (Koizumi Yakumo)

Jizo - matrix of the earth

Jizo was a bodhisattva (bosatsu in Japanese), a man who achieved enlightenment but forsaked nirvana to help others find paradise. He was worshiped  as the protector of those in distress, of children, of mothers in childbirth, and of travelers.  Worship of the bodhisattva Jizo began in the eighth century with the importation of esoteric Buddhist practices from China. Jizo, whose name means "matrix of the earth," was revered as one of the Eight Great Bodhisattvas of the esoteric sect. Jizo and his counterpart, Kakuzo ("matrix of the void"), represent the union of the physical and metaphysical realms.
The Jizo figure is defined by his clothing, by the objects he holds, and by his physical attributes. His head is shaven, and he is dressed in monk's robes, a simple rectangle of cloth (kesa) tied in front over a longer skirt. In his left hand, Jizo holds a wish-granting jewel; he would have held a shakujo (jingle-staff) in his right. The shakujo was used to alert insects and small animals of his approach, so that he would not accidentally harm them. Jizo's idealized face and head-the perfectly proportioned features, third eye, elongated ears, and folds of skin at the neck-also show attributes of an enlightened being.
adapted from http://www.lacma.org/japaneseart/sculpture/jizo.htm

Jizo Bosatsu

Il bodhisattva Jizo
Legno laccato e dipinto
Giappone, fine del periodo Muromachi, XV-XVI sec.

Jizo Bosatsu, il bodhisattva Jizo, è venerato in Giappone come colui che interviene a trarre i fedeli dagli inferni in cui possono essere caduti. Nell’iconografia del Buddhismo giapponese è ritratto nelle vesti di un monaco dalla testa rasata, munito del bastone del pellegrino e del “gioiello che esaudisce tutti i desideri”. L’assenza di corona e ornamenti è compensata dall’eleganza regale del manto e della tunica decorati con ricami dorati di ispirazione cinese e centro-asiatica. La statua faceva parte della collezione del barone Wilhelm von Bode.

Buddha assiso

Buddha assiso - Gandhara

Le figure sono ricavate all’interno di un arco. L’arco poggia su due lesene con capitelli che richiamano le foglie di acanto dei capitelli corinzi. Sui capitelli sono collocati due grifoni dalle code fiammeggianti. Il Buddha è assiso, la gamba sinistra piegata a terra e il ginocchio destro sollevato su cui poggia il gomito destro. La mano destra mancante era sostegno al volto inclinato in atteggiamento pensoso. Al disopra della spalla destra del Buddha si scorge la figura di Vajrapani che impugna il simbolo del fulmine di Indra. Il fregio alla base del pannello presenta scene dalla vita di Shakyamuni e la sua figura emaciata dalle pratiche ascetiche intraprese prima dell’Illuminazione.

Museo Arte Orientale, Torino 

Le sorgenti del Nilo

Nerone promosse nel 62, o 67 d.C., una spedizione per scoprire le fonti del Nilo. Fu comandata da due legionari, che risalirono il Nilo verso l'Africa equatoriale partendo da Meroe, vicino a Karthoum, l'attuale capitale del Sudan.
More wiki

Friday, April 1, 2011

Leonardo's dream

"A research team at Festo has developed SmartBird, a biomechatronic bird that can take off, fly and land autonomously. Festo claims that SmartBird flies, glides and moves through the air like its counterpart in nature — the herring gull — with no additional drive mechanism."
Guardate il filmato al sito:
Festo's biomechatronic bird flies and lands autonomously | News | The Engineer

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Superconductivity from nowhere

"In just over a week scientists will celebrate the centenary of superconductivity: the discovery, in 1911, that some materials cooled towards absolute zero allow electric charge to flow without resistance. But now one physicist believes superconductivity can appear when there is no material at all. According to Maxim Chernodub ... superconductivity can appear – provided there is a very strong magnetic field – in the vacuum of empty space. If Chernodub is correct, the phenomenon could explain the origin of the extensive magnetic-field patterns seen in the cosmos."
Superconductivity from nowhere - physicsworld.com

The candy floss of rocks

"The earliest rocks in the solar system, from which the terrestrial planets were born, were more like candy floss than hard rock, according to a new analysis carried out by a team including researchers in the UK and Australia. This is the first geological evidence to support the idea that the first solid material in the solar system was extremely porous before it was subsequently compacted into larger bodies, which become the planets we know today."
Earth grew from 'candy floss' rocks - physicsworld.com

Physicists put a new twist on graphene

"Physicists in the US and UK have worked out why different samples of multilayer graphene can have very different electronic properties. The answer, according to the team, lies in the relative rotation between layers and the discovery could lead to a new way of controlling the electronic properties of the material."
Physicists put a new twist on graphene - physicsworld.com

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Europa, Ganymede, Callisto

PIA01656: Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto: Surface comparison at high spatial resolution, NASA, JPL
"These images show a comparison of the surfaces of the three icy Galilean satellites, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, scaled to a common resolution of 150 meters per picture element (pixel). Despite the similar distance of 0.8 billion kilometers to the sun, their surfaces show dramatic differences."Catalog Page for PIA01656

Friday, March 25, 2011

Undergraduates build power system for moon orbiter

Final-year engineering undergraduates from Warwick University are building the power system for a micro-satellite that will orbit the moon in 2014.Undergraduates build power system for moon orbiter | News | The Engineer

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ethanol made from corn

ENERGY, Ethanol Blamed for Record Food Prices
A more flexible policy could ease the impact of ethanol mandates on worldwide markets.
"Earlier this month, the United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization reported that global food prices had risen for eight consecutive months, reaching the highest levels since the agency started tracking prices in 1990. The prices are high in large part because of steadily growing worldwide demand for food, and because of natural disasters that have hurt harvests, but they're also affected by government policies."

Monday, March 21, 2011


From Wiki
A CubeSat is a type of miniaturized satellite for space research that usually has a volume of exactly one liter (10 cm cube). Beginning in 1999, California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) and Stanford University developed the CubeSat specifications to help universities worldwide to perform space science and exploration. The majority of development comes from academia, however several companies have built CubeSats, including large-satellite-maker Boeing.

The effect of space weather

The first experiment to investigate the effects of plasmasphere disturbances on satellite communications will be launched aboard the UK Space Agency’s maiden CubeSat mission.
Team explores effect of space weather on communications | News | The Engineer

Instrument able to detect individual nanoparticles

The device detects the tiny particles, suspended in fluid, as they flow one by one through the instrument at rates estimated to be as high as half a million particles per second.
Instrument is able to detect individual nanoparticles | News | The Engineer

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Legno scolpito e policromia
Giappone, inizi del periodo Edo, XVII sec.
Museo Arte Orientale

Tamon-Ten, guardiano del Nord, è il capo dei Re Celesti che sono preposti ai quattro punti cardinali e abitano il Monte Meru come protettori del Mondo e della Legge buddhista. A partire dal IX secolo divenne oggetto di un culto popolare in Giappone che lo rese quasi indipendente dagli altri tre Re Guardiani. Fu venerato in particolare come dio della prosperità. Ha il volto di un guerriero, è rivestito da una armatura  e siede su rocce stilizzate che simbolizzano il Monte Meru.

Libya's UNESCO World Heritage Sites

UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Libya  are:
Archaeological Site of Cyrene
Archaeological Site of Leptis Magna
Archaeological Site of Sabratha
Rock-Art Sites of Tadrart Acacus
Old Town of Ghadamès
 Libya's UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Settimio Severo

« Sono diventato tutto quel che ho voluto. E mi accorgo che non ne valeva la pena »
questo disse Settimio Severo, a un suo luogotenente, come riporta Wiki.
Lucio Settimio Severo era nato a Leptis Magna, in Libia nel 146. Morì a York nel 211. Da generale divenne imperatore romano, iniziando la dinastia severa. Prima della sua morte, l'impero su estendeva sull'isola britannica fino al vallo di Adriano.

Map of the Roman Empire with the provinces of 210 AD.
Map created by Mandrak, Wikipedia, on public domain.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Shitennō and the four directions

The Shitennō are  protectors of the four directions. They ward off evil, guard the nation, and protect the world from malicious spirits, hence the Japanese term Gose Shitennō 護世四天王, literally “four world-protecting deva kings.” Each represents a direction, season, color, virtue, and element. They originated in India but were later adopted into the Buddhist pantheon in China and Japan. They are venerated as temple guardians and protectors of the nation. In China, statues of the four are often placed near temple entrances, but in Japan, effigies of the four are more commonly placed around the central deity on the main altar. The four are commanded by Taishakuten, Lord of the Center. They are nearly always dressed in armor (yoroi 鎧), looking ferocious (funnusō 忿怒相), and carrying weapons or objects. They are also typically shown standing atop evil spirits (known as Jaki in Japan).
Shitennō iconography is related to the Four Celestial Emblems (dragon, red bird, tiger, turtle) of China, who also guard the four cardinal directions. In Japanese statuary, the Shitennō are almost always portrayed in animated warrior poses rather than static postures of ease or meditation...
Adapted from http://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/shitenno.shtml
See also http://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/buddhism.shtml

Tenno - Fujiwara Period

Tenno, Uno dei Re Protettori
Legno di cipresso (hinoki), h. 119 cm
Giappone, periodo Fujiwara, XII secolo
Museo Arte Orientale, Torino

Il museo possiede una coppia di statue (Ni-tenno, due tenno) dall’atteggiamento fiero che, calpestando figure mostruose, levano il braccio originariamente dotato di un’arma oggi perduta. Questa coppia è tratta dal gruppo dei Quattro Grandi Re degli Orienti (Shi-tenno) che la cosmologia buddhista colloca ai lati del Monte Meru.
Come protettori, in Giappone gli Shi-tenno furono posti ai quattro angoli intorno all’immagine principale del tempio. Le due statue del MAO sono scolpite nella tecnica ichiboku zukuri in un singolo blocco di legno, salvo le braccia.