
Benvenuti in queste pagine dedicate a scienza, storia ed arte. Amelia Carolina Sparavigna, Torino

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Rodadero

Rodadero and Qocha  Chincanas at Cusco

"To the north of Chuquipampa we find Suchuna. It is a geologic formation similar to a hill with some waviness forming ruts parallel to the rocks. Nowadays, children use it as it was a slide. Inca Garcilazo says that he also played here when he was a child.  At the top there is the famous "Inca Throne" or k'usillup hink'inan (jump of the monkey). ... In Rodadero we also find terraces, tunnels, tombs and stairs carved in stone. Recent works have revealed a spring that provided water to a round puddle from where a complex net of canals started.There is no doubt that Suchuna was a very important religious place as Guamancancha, temple of the fourth ceque of the Chinchaysuyo, was located there.It should have been two small rooms from where they observe the remains to the east side of the slide."
From http://www.incatrailbookings.com/Suchuna-or-Rodadero.html
And also

Let us use Google Maps: in the following image we can see the pond.

After a processing see more clearly the circular pond, Qocha.

Let us note thta "qocha" means lake or lagoon. Therefore there are many places with Qocha in their names:  Chakilqocha = Dry Lake, Q'omer-qocha = Green Lake, Qocha Perdida = Lost Lagoon, Qewña-Qocha  = Polylepis tree Lagoon, and also Cochabamba = Qocha Pampa = plains with water.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bofedales - wetlands

Wiki  is reporting that "Bofedal es un humedal de altura y se considera una pradera nativa poco extensa con permanente humedad. Los vegetales o plantas que habitan el bofedal reciben el nombre de vegetales hidrofíticos. Los bofedales se forman en zonas como las de los macizos andinos ubicadas sobre los 3.800 metros de altura, en donde las planicies almacenan aguas provenientes de precipitaciones pluviales, deshielo de glaciares y principalmente afloramientos superficiales de aguas subterráneas." 
From the article, Los camellones alrededor del lago Titicaca, by Pierre Morlon, 2006, a bofedal is an artificial wet area used for cultivation, such as the qochas.
The site Atlantisbolivia.org is reporting an interesting image from Google Maps of  bofedales near Lake Poopo, Bolivia. The site is telling "...it may not be realised on the ground, but these satellite images show that these ponds were at one time artificially constructed in rows, with interlinking small channels in the Pampa Aullagas region of the Altiplano. On the Altiplano there are many such examples of this type of landscape, some natural, some artificial as above, which are known asbofedales (wetlands)."
I have searched the place and processed the images.

Bolivia, Bofedales near Lake Poopo

Frost mitigation

Very interesting paper on raised fields and their physics (in English and Spanish).

Modelling nocturnal heat dynamics and frost mitigation in Andean raised field systemsJ.-P. Lhomme, J.-J. Vacher, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 112 (2002) 179–193
The abstract is telling that the raised fields system is an old technique of soil and water management dating back to prehispanic time. Very common in the Lake Titicaca region, it essentially consists of a series of earth platforms on which crops are grown, surrounded by water canals connected to inlet and outlet ditches. A  widely recognised benefit of this is its contribution to frost mitigation during the growing season. The paper presents a physical process-based model is presented to explain the role played by the canals in the nocturnal heat dynamics and the cold mitigation process. The model shows that greater heat flux emanating from the canals and greater water condensation on the crop both contribute to the mitigation effect.

 La Mitigación de Heladas en Los Camellones del Altiplano andino, Bull. Inst. fr. études andines, 2003, 32 (2): 377-399, Jean-Paul  Lhomme,  Jean Joinville  Vacher
Abstract: "El sistema de camellones o “waru warus” es una antigua técnica agrícola de manejo del suelo y del agua. En los tiempos prehispánicos era muy frecuente en la región del lago Titicaca. Consiste esencialmente en una serie de plataformas de tierra rodeadas por canales de agua. Las plantas se cultivan sobre las plataformas y el nivel del agua en los canales puede controlarse a través de entradas y salidas de agua. Un beneficio importante y ampliamente reconocido de este sistema de manejo en el altiplano es su contribución a la mitigación de heladas nocturnas durante la campaña agrícola. Con el objetivo de cuantificar este fenómeno y describir los procesos físicos  responsables de la mitigación, se ha realizado  un experimento en la región del lago Titicaca sobre un sistema de camellones cultivado con papas comparándolo con una parcela “testigo”
en la “Pampa”. Se presentan resultados experimentales que evidencian por una parte, el valor elevado de la temperatura del agua con respecto a la del cultivo sobre las plataformas, y por otra, una temperatura de cultivo siempre mayor (1-2 grados) en los camellones que en la Pampa. Conjuntamente se presenta un modelo mecanístico adaptado de un esquema de transferencia bicapa de tipo “Shuttleworth-Wallace” (una capa de vegetación y un sustrato de agua). El modelo precisa el papel que juegan los canales en la dinámica del calor y por lo tanto en la variación de la temperatura del cultivo durante la noche. El efecto de mitigación se debe al flujo de calor que emana del agua y a menudo también a la condensación del vapor de agua sobre las hojas del cultivo. Utilizando el modelo de manera predictiva, se muestra que canales más anchos o
plataformas más estrechas tienen un impacto positivo sobre la temperatura mínima del cultivo alcanzada durante la noche. Aumentar la profundidad del agua mejora también la mitigación de heladas, pero a la inversa, un canal más profundo (con el mismo nivel de agua) tiene un impacto negativo. Aumentar el índice de área foliar (LAI) o la altura del cultivo tiene un efecto positivo sobre la mitigación de heladas (el beneficio marginal, sin embargo, es muy pequeño cuando el índice foliar supera el valor 1). Mayor velocidad de viento o mayor humedad relativa incrementa también el efecto de mitigación de heladas."


From the article, Los camellones alrededor del lago Titicaca, by Pierre Morlon, 2006.
The article is discussing the traditional agricultural methods used near Lake Titicaca; these methods are more than two thousands years old. 
A "qocha" (small lake, lagoon)  is an artificial pond used to gain water for cultivation. The text is telling that up to  fifty years ago, waru-warus, camellones, qochas were much more extensive on the land but they were deliberately destroyed.

A qocha.

El sueño de la razón

Il sonno della ragione genera mostri (El sueño de la razón produce monstruos) è un'acquaforte e acquatinta realizzata nel 1797 dal pittore Francisco Goya e facente parte - è il foglio n° 43 - di una serie di 80 incisioni ad acquaforte chiamata Los caprichos (I capricci) pubblicata nel 1799.
Da Wikipedia

« La fantasía abandonada de la razón produce monstruos imposibles: unida con ella es madre de las artes y origen de las maravillas. » Goya, manoscritto conservato al museo del Prado.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sugawara no Michizane

Sugawara no Michizane che cavalca un bufalo.
Utagawa Sadakage (attivo dal 1818-1844)
Sugawara no Michizane (845-903) venne divinizzato
come dio protettore delle lettere e della calligrafia.
Viene rappresentato spesso sotto fiori di susino a
cavallo di un bufalo, che lo accompagna durante
l'esilio dalla capitale.
Museo Arte Orientale

Hokusai manga - supernatural

The Hokusai Manga (北斎漫画) is a collection of sketches of various subjects by the Japanese artist Hokusai. Subjects of the sketches include landscapes, flora and fauna, everyday life and the supernatural... The Manga comprise literally thousands of images in 15 volumes, the first published in 1814, when the artist was 55. The final three volumes were published posthumously, two of them assembled by their publisher from previously unpublished material.
more Wiki

Museo Arte Orientale

World Wide Words: Rule of thumb

"The expression rule of thumb has been recorded since 1692 and probably wasn’t new then. It meant then what it means now — some method or procedure that comes from practice or experience, without any formal basis. Some have tried to link it with brewing; in the days before thermometers, brewers were said to have gauged the temperature of the fermenting liquor with the thumb ... This seems unlikely, as the thumb is not that sensitive and the range of temperatures for fermentation between too cool and too warm is quite small. It is much more likely that it comes from the ancient use of bits of the body to make measurements. There were once many of these: the unit of the foot comes from pacing out dimensions; the distance from the tip of the nose to the outstretched fingers is about one yard; horse heights are still measured in hands (the width of the palm and closed thumb, now fixed at four inches); and so on. "
World Wide Words: Rule of thumb

Invisibility cloaks

Novel cloaking device makes 'larger' objects invisible, 20 April 2011 | By Andrew Czyzewski
"Researchers have developed a novel ‘cloaking carpet’ that is able to conceal objects far larger relative to its size than previous devices. Now, a group of researchers from Denmark and the UK has tested a novel metamaterial cloaking device that is only around four times the size of the object it was able to conceal....‘Instead of transforming the cloaked area to a point invisible to our eyes, a carpet cloak disguises the obstacle from light by making it appear like a flat ground plane,’ said Shuang Zhang of Birmingham University, who worked on the project alongside colleagues from Imperial College London and the Technical University of Denmark...The researchers used metamaterials, which are engineered to have optical properties not found in nature, but used a novel grating structure comprising a series of slits or openings to redirect a beam of light."

Astronomical sensors for terrestrial use

QMC adapts astronomical sensors for terrestrial use, 19 April 2011 | By Andrew Czyzewski
"Highly sensitive astronomical sensors are being adapted for commercial, terrestrial uses in security, quality control and medical imaging. The technology, which is being developed by QMC Instruments, was originally used in space telescopes such as Plank and Herschel to peer into the far corners of the universe.
It focuses on terahertz radiation, the far infrared and microwave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that astronomers use to study the Cosmic Microwave Background and dust clouds where stars are born.
In the past decade or so there has been increasing interest in producing and detecting terahertz radiation from terrestrial sources. Indeed, the latest generation of airport body scanners emit terahertz radiation at a defined frequency, which passes through clothes and to a lesser extent the body, but not metals.
However, the latest technology differs in that it is entirely passive, and is able to detect small amounts of terahertz radiation from endogenous sources such as the human body and certain objects such as explosives — essentially acting like a video camera, viewing the contrast in real time".
QMC adapts astronomical sensors for terrestrial use | News | The Engineer