
Benvenuti in queste pagine dedicate a scienza, storia ed arte. Amelia Carolina Sparavigna, Torino

Friday, February 18, 2011

DNA puts a new spin on electrons

DNA puts a new spin on electrons - physicsworld.com
"A new and highly efficient way of filtering electrons according to their spin has been built using double strands of DNA. The technique, which has been developed by physicists in Israel and Germany, is about three times more efficient than using magnet-based spin filters. The method could be used in spintronic circuits, which exploit both the spin and charge of electrons, and could even lead to a better understanding of the possible role that spin plays in biological processes."

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Sun in 3D

"Beginning on February 6, 2011, the two STEREO spacecraft are 180 degrees apart providing Naval Research Laboratory scientists with a 360-degree view of the Sun. NASA's STEREO (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory) spacecraft were launched on October 25, 2006, and have been gathering spectacular images of solar activity, especially solar storms, since the mission began."

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Two splendid suns

"Earth could be getting a second sun, at least temporarily. Dr. Brad Carter, Senior Lecturer of Physics at the University of Southern Queensland, outlined the scenario to news.com.au. Betelgeuse, one of the night sky's brightest stars, is losing mass, indicating it is collapsing. It could run out of fuel and go super-nova at any time.
When that happens, for at least a few weeks, we'd see a second sun, Carter says. There may also be no night during that timeframe."

Friday, February 4, 2011

North Atlantic strait at its warmest for 2000 years

"A stretch of water east of Greenland, considered to be the Arctic's main source of heat from the North Atlantic, is warmer now than it has been in at least 2000 years. That is the claim of researchers in Europe and the US who suggest further warming will amplify the effects of climate change in the Arctic region."
North Atlantic strait at its warmest for 2000 years - physicsworld.com

Aurora boreale su Saturno

Un'aurora boreale su Saturno vista da Hubble

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fotovoltaico organico

Come celle solari organiche si intendono quei dispositivi la cui parte fotoattiva è basata sui composti organici del carbonio, includendo anche quelle celle più prettamente di tipo ibrido. La struttura base di una cella organica è un "sandwich" composto da un substrato e da una o più sottilissime pellicole contenenti i materiali fotoattivi, in mezzo a due elettrodi conduttivi di cui uno trasparente.
"La gamma di celle solari organiche è ampia e si trova in diversi stadi di ricerca e di maturazione tecnologica e comprende, in sintesi, le celle “dye sensitized” (o DSSC), le celle totalmente organiche (anche dette plastiche), e le celle ibride organico/inorganico. Per le celle DSSC (o di Grätzel, dal nome del loro inventore), la parte fotoelettricamente attiva, spessa qualche micrometro ed inserita tra due elettrodi, è costituita da un pigmento organico, da ossido di titanio e da un elettrolita. Le celle DSSC, ispirandosi al processo di fotosintesi clorofilliana, utilizzano una miscela di materiali in cui un pigmento assorbe la radiazione solare e gli altri componenti estraggono la carica per produrre elettricità. Infatti è possibile ottenere l’effetto fotovoltaico anche con pigmenti vegetali. Efficienze massime del 10-11% e tempi di vita di vari anni, valori comunque in costante aumento, sono stati misurati in laboratorio per questo tipo di cella singola, utilizzando pigmenti sintetizzati attraverso i processi della chimica organica. ...
Le celle fotovoltaiche completamente organiche, sia quelle a “small molecules”, realizzate attraverso un’evaporazione sotto vuoto, sia quelle polimeriche, realizzate attraverso deposizione in forma liquida, sono recentemente arrivate al 4-5% di efficienza massima per celle in laboratorio. Queste celle, anche conosciute come “plastiche”, sono molto interessanti in quanto le tecniche di fabbricazione sono le più semplici da attuare."

More Rinnovabili.it: L’evoluzione “organica” delle celle fotovoltaiche

Drilling for geothermal energy

"An exploration team in Newcastle plan to drill through old mining tunnels to search for geothermal energy under the city centre. Researchers from Newcastle University who are leading the project hope it could initially provide up to 5MW of thermal energy, with potentially more heat and electricity from future boreholes. This would provide heat for a new campus that will combine research facilities with affordable housing, while some energy may be siphoned off the power a nearby shopping centre."
Read more Drilling to begin on Newcastle geothermal energy scheme | News | The Engineer

Polarization of light

At the HyperPhysics site you can find a classification of the polarization of light.

The 3D light for spintronics

"Circularly polarized light, which is used in 3D movies, has its electric field vector rotating like a clock hand. It's typically produced by sending light through a filter, but now a team has created a small, solid device that emits partially circularly polarized light, as they describe in the 4 February Physical Review Letters. If this semiconductor technology can be further perfected, it could be used in devices that help biochemists control protein synthesis or help physicists control electrons in spintronics--a futuristic type of electronics." More in "Giving Light a Spin", Physical Review Focus

Nanobeads with liquid hydrogen to fuel cars?

"Plastic nanobeads that can store hydrogen at room temperature as a liquid are being commercialised for fuel applications by technology start-up Cella Energy." This is announced in an article by Andrew Czyzewski, The Engineer. More Nanobeads could store liquid hydrogen to fuel cars | News | The Engineer

Atlantic Wind Connection

Su Google. "... il gigante di Mountain View lancia un progetto mastodontico di energia eolica per le famiglie americane. Si chiama Atlantic Wind Connection (Awc) ed un progetto che si pone l'obiettivo di portare energia pulita nelle case di almeno due milioni di famiglie americane della East Coast. Il progetto vede coinvolta Google e vale sulla carta circa cinque miliardi di dollari, cifra necessaria per erigere a circa 15 miglia dalla costa degli Stati Uniti bagnata dall'Oceano Atlantico una dorsale di turbine eoliche lunga 350 miglia, che partirebbe da New York per raggiungere in direzione Sud la Virginia in quel di Norfolk."
More sole24ore

A star and six planets

"A newfound planetary system has six worlds, five of which rank among the smallest known, and the list of unconfirmed candidates has swelled to four figures.
Thirty million kilometers away, trailing the pale blue dot that is Earth as it orbits the sun, is a spacecraft designed to find some of the countless other pale blue dots that may speckle the galaxy. NASA launched this spacecraft, known as Kepler, in 2009 to take a census of Earth-like planets in the hopes of figuring out how common—or how rare—are the conditions under which life has thrived here."

Una stella e sei pianeti

"Una stella molto simile al Sole ed intorno a lei 6 pianeti che ruotano, un vero e proprio Sistema solare. Ma non è certo il nostro, dato che sta a 2.000 anni luce dalla Terra, una distanza enorme su scala umana, ma molto piccola i termini astronomici. La stella si chiama Kepler 11 e la scoperta del sistema di sei pianeti, tutti piccoli e alcuni con caratteristiche di tipo terrestre, è riportata nella rivista Nature del 3 febbraio."

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Eye of Osiris

"The Eye of Osiris" is a novel written by Richard Austin Freeman (1862 - 1943). He was a British writer of detective stories, mostly featuring the medico-legal forensic investigator Dr Thorndyke. A large proportion of the Dr Thorndyke stories involve genuine points of scientific knowledge, from areas such as tropical medicine, metallurgy and toxicology. In this crime novel, Dr Thorndyke solved the mistery using a X-ray photography of a mummy.

"It was all clear enough so far. The peculiar sound that filled the air was the hum of the interrupter; the bulb was, of course, a Crookes' tube, and the red spot inside it, the glowing red-hot disc of the anti-cathode. Clearly an X-ray photograph was being made; but of what? I strained my eyes, peering into the gloom at the foot of the gallows, but though I could make out an elongated object lying on the floor directly under the bulb, I could not resolve the dimly seen shape into anything recognisable. Presently, however, Dr. Norbury supplied the clue. 'I am rather surprised,' said he, 'that you chose so composite an object as a mummy to begin on. I should have thought that a simpler object, such as a coffin or a wooden figure, would have been more instructive.' "

Eye of Horus

The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power and good health. The eye is personified in the goddess Wadjet. The name Wadjet is derived from 'wadj' meaning 'green' hence 'the green one' and was known to the Greeks and Romans as 'uraeus' from the Egyptian 'iaret' meaning 'risen one' from the image of a cobra rising up in protection. More at Wiki
Wadjet was one of the earliest of Egyptian deities who later became associated with other goddesses such as Bast, Mut, and Hathor, who is also depicted with this eye. Burial amulets were often made in the shape of the Eye of Horus, to protect the owner in the afterlife and to ward off evil. Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern sailors would frequently paint the symbol on the bow of their vessel to ensure safe sea travel (Charles Freeman, The Legacy of Ancient Egypt, Facts on File, Inc. 1997. p.91).
"Horus was the ancient Egyptian sky god who was usually depicted as a falcon. His right eye was associated with the sun Ra. The eye symbol represents the marking around a Peregrine Falcon's eye that includes the "teardrop" marking sometimes found below the eye."
It is interesting to note that, in the ancient egyptian calculus, the Eye Of Horus defined number one (1) = 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32 + 1/64, by throwing away 1/64. The parts of the Eye were used to represent fractions.

Amulets on display at the Egyptian Museum, Torino