
Benvenuti in queste pagine dedicate a scienza, storia ed arte. Amelia Carolina Sparavigna, Torino

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Atlantis Orichalcum

Ripescato nel mare di Gela il tesoro di Atlantide
La Soprintendenza del Mare ha riportato alla luce 39 lingotti di Oricalco: risalgono a 2600 anni fa. Per Platone era il misterioso metallo di Atlantide.

Un tesoro è stato ripescato nel litorale di contrada “Bulala” nel mare di Gela, in una zona che in passato ha restituito i resti di ben tre navi arcaiche. All’interno di un relitto databile alla prima metà del VI secolo a. C., 39 lingotti di un materiale nobile, l’Oricalco, simile al moderno ottone, noto nell’antichità come metallo prezioso, tanto da essere considerato al terzo posto per valore commerciale, dopo oro e argento.


Oricalco, museo di Gela
Immagine Cortesia di Emanuele Riela - Opera propria

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Artù a Mediobogdum (Hardknott Roman Fort)

"Il forte è il luogo in cui un Artù bambino trascorre gli anni dell'infanzia, vegliato e istruito da un giovane Merlino"

Friday, December 19, 2014

Solstices at the Hardknott Roman Fort

A roman fort in Britannia, a specific orientation to solstices

More at SSRN

Solstices at the Hardknott Roman Fort

Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

Department of Applied Science and Technology, Politecnico di Torino


From the most ancient times, the Roman military camps were planned according to a certain ideal pattern that was also applied to the coloniae, the outposts established in the territories conquered by Rome. The planning of castra and colonies was based on a chessboard of parallel streets, the main of them being the Decumanus. Probably, some Decumani were oriented to confer a symbolic meaning to the place too. Here we discuss the distinctive layout of a castrum in the Roman Britannia, the Hardknott Fort, and its orientation to the solstices.

Keywords: Archeoastronomy, Solar Orientation, Solstices, Urban Planning, Satellite Images, Google Earth.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Emissions in Atmosphere: Trends and Recurrence Plots

The increase of carbon dioxide concentration in atmosphere, due to anthropogenic emissions, is almost generally considered as responsible of global climate changes. We show some data of CO2 concentration and its emission in atmosphere, using the recurrence plots to enhance the visualization of their trends.  See more at: http://www.ijsciences.com/pub/article/582#sthash.L4dBnzsh.dpuf

Data of CO2 concentration in atmosphere, from [1]. The range is from January 1958 to October 2014. In the image we see the recurrence plot. The global annual mean concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is currently rising at a rate of approximately 2 ppm/year and accelerating [1]. This acceleration is shown by the recurrence plot, where colours are narrowing towards the diagonal line.
[1] Tans, P. & Keeling R. (2014). Trends in atmospheric carbon dioxide, Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). At www.esrl.noaa.gov/ gmd/ ccgg/ trends/

About 1970, the oil production and import of US had a sharp peak (data from Ref.12). Note how the corresponding recurrence plot evidences this peak.
[12] Vv.Aa. (2014). U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), at www.eia.gov/petroleum/

 See more at: http://www.ijsciences.com/pub/article/582#sthash.L4dBnzsh.dpuf

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Geoglyphs of Titicaca - 2 - A snake

The image, obtained from Google Maps, shows the network of earthworks separated by canals - near the Titicaca Lake. This is an ancient agricultural technique used by Andean people starting from the first millennium BC. 

More on Titicaca

arXiv:1009.4602 [pdf] Geoglyphs of Titicaca as an ancient example of graphic design,
Amelia Carolina Sparavigna
arXiv:1009.2231 [pdf] Symbolic landforms created by ancient earthworks near Lake Titicaca, Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

A.C. Sparavigna (2012) 
Image Processing for the Enhancement of Satellite Imagery. In: Image Processing: Methods, Applications and Challenges / Vítor Hugo Carvalho. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (USA), pp. 149-161. ISBN 9781620818442 

A.C. Sparavigna, R. Marazzato (2011)
Using Geographic Information Systems to Increment the Knowledge of Cultural Landscapes. In: Smart Tech & Smart Innovation, La strada per costruire il futuro, Torino, 15-17 Novembre 2011. 
[img] [img]
A.C. Sparavigna (2010)
The geoglyphs of Titicaca. In: ARCHAEOGATE n. 13-10-. - ISSN 1973-2953 
[img] [img]

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Geoglyphs of Titicaca - 1

Earthworks near Titicaca Lake create "geoglyphs"
These earthworks are known as "raised fields" and "waru-warus".

The image, obtained from Google Maps, shows the network of earthworks separated by canals - near the Titicaca Lake (Huata, Puno, Peru). This is an ancient agricultural technique used by Andean people starting from the first millennium BC. Note that the structure of the network is created after a careful planning. Each raised field is approximately 10 meters large and more than one hundred long.

More on Titicaca

arXiv:1009.4602 [pdf] Geoglyphs of Titicaca as an ancient example of graphic design,
Amelia Carolina Sparavigna
arXiv:1009.2231 [pdf] Symbolic landforms created by ancient earthworks near Lake Titicaca, Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

A.C. Sparavigna (2012) 
Image Processing for the Enhancement of Satellite Imagery. In: Image Processing: Methods, Applications and Challenges / Vítor Hugo Carvalho. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (USA), pp. 149-161. ISBN 9781620818442 

A.C. Sparavigna, R. Marazzato (2011)
Using Geographic Information Systems to Increment the Knowledge of Cultural Landscapes. In: Smart Tech & Smart Innovation, La strada per costruire il futuro, Torino, 15-17 Novembre 2011. 
[img] [img]
A.C. Sparavigna (2010)
The geoglyphs of Titicaca. In: ARCHAEOGATE n. 13-10-. - ISSN 1973-2953 
[img] [img]

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Robert Grosseteste, De Luce, On Light

Robert Grosseteste's Thought on Light and Form of the World
A.C. Sparavigna
2014, Volume: 3, Numero: 4, Pagine: pp. 54-62
ISSN: 2305-3925
Abstract: Robert Grosseteste was one of the most prominent thinkers of the Thirteenth Century. Philosopher and scientist, he proposed a metaphysics based on the propagation of light. In this framework, he gave a cosmology too. Here we will discuss the treatise where Grosseteste proposed it, that entitled 'De luce, seu de incohatione formarum', 'On Light and the Beginning of Forms'
Parole chiave: medieval science, cosmogony, history of physics, history of science, robert grosseteste, big bang, cosmology

You can find some papers of mine about Robert Grosseteste at this link:

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Robert Grosseteste and his Big Bang

"From Rome to the Antipodes: The Medieval Form of the World," International Journal of Literature and Arts. Vol. 1, No. 2, 2013, pp. 16-25. doi:10.11648/j.ijla.20130102.11

9. Grosseteste and the Sphere of Light
Robert Grosseteste (1175-1253) was an English philosopher who became the Bishop of Lincoln. As a scientist he had a quite important role in the medieval school of Oxford [32]. In his works, in particular in the commentaries of Aristotle’s philosophy, Grosseteste devised a scientific method. From particular observations, we can find a universal law, and then, from these laws we can predict some peculiar cases. Grosseteste called this “resolution and composition” [33]. As a consequence, Grosseteste tells that physics needs the ‘experimentum’, that is, a proof from experience. These ideas were a prelude for the Galilean science in the 17th century [34]. The method of “resolution and composition” was applied to geometry and optics. Moreover, optics is described by geometry, because optics depends on geometry. As a conclusion, Grosseteste argued that mathematics was the highest science, basis for all others. Here we see that he understood the necessity to describe the physical phenomena in a mathematic formalism. Grosseteste believed that at the beginning of times, it wasthe light to move the universe. In his “De Luce”, Grosseteste explains the origin of the world. God created matter and light together in a point. Due to its nature the light propagated isotropically in all directions. It immediately became a sphere and, accordingly, dragged by the light, the matter started to expand. The creation is then explained by means of a sphere of light [35].
Grosseteste's work in optics was continued by Roger Bacon. There is also an interesting quotation often reported in the history of telescope. In his treatise entitled “De Iride”, Grosseteste writes that a part of optics, “when well understood, shows us how we may make things a very long distance off appear as if placed very close, and large near things appear very small, and how we may make small things placed at a distance appear any size we want, so that it may be possible for us to read the smallest letters at incredible distances, or to count sand, or seed, or any sort of minute objects.” It is probable that Grosseteste made some experiments using lenses and mirrors [36,37].
[32] N. Lewis, Robert Grosseteste, in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2010, E.N. Zalta ed.
[33] H.G. Gauch, Jr., Scientific Method in Practice, Cambridge University Press, 2003, p.222.
[34] W. A. Wallace, Prelude to Galileo: Essays on Medieval and Sixteenth-Century Sources of Galileo's Thought, Springer, 1981.
[35] F. Adorno, T. Gregory and V. Verra, Storia della Filosofia, Bari: Laterza, 1973.
[36] A.C. Sparavigna, "Translation and discussion of the De Iride, a treatise on optics by Robert Grosseteste," arXiv, 2012, History and Philosophy of Physics, arxiv:1211.5961.
[37] A.C. Sparavigna, "Reflection and refraction in Robert Grosseteste's De Lineis, Angulis et Figuris," arXiv, 2013, History and Philosophy of Physics, arxiv:1302.1885.

A translation of Grosseteste's treatise on Big Bang at
A.C. Sparavigna (2014) , Robert Grosseteste's Thought on Light and Form of the World. In: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCES, vol. 3 n. 4, pp. 54-62. - ISSN 2305-3925
 at http://www.ijsciences.com/pub/article/486

I have translated and discussed some Grosseteste's treatises, you can find th links to download them freely at