
Benvenuti in queste pagine dedicate a scienza, storia ed arte. Amelia Carolina Sparavigna, Torino

Friday, March 8, 2019

Esadecanioni (Sedenioni)

Gli esadecanioni formano un'algebra a 16 dimensioni sul campo dei numeri reali. La moltiplicazione dei esadecanioni non è né commutativa né associativa. Si possono ottenere come combinazioni lineari di 1, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, e9, e10, e11, e12, e13, e14, e15. Ossia dagli elementi di una base dello spazio vettoriale degli esadecanioni. 

Che tabellina!


The Peculiar Math That Could Underlie the Laws of Nature

"Cohl Furey, a mathematical physicist at the University of Cambridge, is finding links between the Standard Model of particle physics and the octonions, numbers whose multiplication rules are encoded in a triangular diagram called the Fano plane."

Questi ottonioni promettono cose interessanti. 
Gli ottonioni sono un'estensione non associativa dei quaternioni.
L'algebra relativa viene spesso denotata con O.

Adoro le tabelline!


Τον άνδρα, μούσα, λέγε μου, πολύτροπον, 'που εις μέρη
πολλά επλανήθη, αφού έρριξε την ιερήν Τρωάδα·
και ανθρώπων είδε αυτός πολλών ταις χώραις και την γνώμην
έμαθε, και 'ς τα πέλαγα πολλά 'παθε ζητώντας
με τους συντρόφους άβλαπτος να φθάση 'ς την πατρίδα.
αλλ' όμως δεν κατώρθωσε να σώση τους συντρόφους·
ότι εχαθήκαν μόνοι τους απ' τ' ανομήματά τους·
μωροί, 'που τ' Υπερίονα Ήλιου τα βώδια 'φάγαν,
κ' εκείνος της επιστροφής τους πήρε την ημέρα.
τούτα ειπέ κάπουθε κ' εμάς, θεά, κόρη του Δία.


polìtropo agg. [dal gr. πολύτροπος, comp. di πολυ- «poli-» e -τροπος, dal tema di τρέπω «volgere»], letter. – Che ha ingegno versatile, multiforme; astuto, scaltro (è l’epiteto omerico di Ulisse): il p. Ulisse, quando trascorreva il campo per ridurre tutti nel fòro, se imbattevasi in qualche plebeo vociferante lo castigava con lo scettro (D’Annunzio).

Musa, quell’uom di moltiforme ingegno
Dimmi, che molto errò, poich’ebbe a terra
Gittate d’Iliòn le sacre torri;
Che città vide molte, e delle genti
L’indol conobbe; che sovr’esso il mare
Molti dentro del cor sofferse affanni,
Mentre a guardar la cara vita intende,
E i suoi compagni a ricondur: ma indarno
Ricondur desiava i suoi compagni,
Che delle colpe lor tutti periro.
Stolti! che osaro vïolare i sacri
Al Sole Iperïon candidi buoi
Con empio dente, ed irritaro il Nume,
Che del ritorno il dì lor non addusse.
Deh parte almen di sì ammirande cose
Narra anco a noi, di Giove figlia, e Diva.


Saturday, March 2, 2019

Too many Caesars is not good

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesarion

After the defeat of Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC, Cleopatra ...  She may have intended to go into exile, perhaps with Antony, who may have hoped that he would be allowed to retire as Lepidus had. Caesarion reappears in the historical record in 30 BC, when Octavian invaded Egypt and searched for him. Cleopatra may have sent Caesarion, 17 years old at the time, to the Red Sea port of Berenice for safety, possibly as part of plans for an escape to India; he may have been sent years earlier, but the sources are unclear. Plutarch does say that Caesarion was sent to India, but also that he was lured back by false promises of the kingdom of Egypt ... 
Octavian captured the city of Alexandria on 1 August 30 BC, the date that marks the official annexation of Egypt to the Roman Republic. Around this time Mark Antony and Cleopatra died, traditionally said to be by suicide, though murder has been suggested.[9] ... Caesarion's guardians, including his tutor, were themselves either lured by false promises of mercy into returning him to Alexandria or simply betrayed him; the records are unclear.
Octavian is supposed to have had Pharaoh Caesarion executed in Alexandria, following the advice of Arius Didymus, who said "Too many Caesars is not good" (a pun on a line in Homer).[11] It is popularly thought that he was strangled, but the exact circumstances of his death have not been documented.[citation needed] Octavian then assumed absolute control of Egypt. The year 30 BC was considered the first year of the new ruler's reign according to the traditional chronological system of Egypt.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Idi di Marzo

Domani sono le Calende di Marzo. Abbiamo tempo di rileggere il libro di Valerio Massimo Manfredi. Per portare il messaggio "L'AQUILA E' IN PERICOLO".

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Romans at Katwijk

Archaeologists have found the remains of a road of Roman time at Katwijk. Remains of an associated Roman settlement have been found too. This settlement was made of houses and a system of canals.
In the image at the web site Historiek, Jeroen Loopik, ADC, shows a part of a wooden post from the Roman road. "The roadside ditches and the vertical wooden poles - which served to prevent the road from subsiding - are still present after almost 2000 years. Some of the oak posts are man-high. This Roman road probably dates from the year 125 AD."
The excavations at Katwijk are part of researches concerning the Roman Limes, at the northernmost border of the Roman Empire on the Rhine. The excavation are carried out by ADC Archeoprojects from Amersfoort, Leiden University and volunteers, will take a few weeks.

See also the post on Brittenburg.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Marcello Mastroianni su Torino

Interessante quanto dice Marcello Mastroianni su Torino.
Trovo veramente bello e toccante quanto dice sul Piemonte.
Però mi piacque da morire il Piemonte profondo che scoprivo girando nei paesi in provincia di Cuneo, i bar, i portici che sembrava non fossero stati toccati dal tempo.

Sunday, February 24, 2019


KOMATSUNA dataset for instance segmentation, tracking and reconstruction.

Hideaki Uchiyama, Shunsuke Sakurai, Masashi Mishima, Daisaku Arita, Takashi Okayasu, Atsushi Shimada and Rin-ichiro Taniguchi, "An easy-to-setup 3D phenotyping platform for KOMATSUNA dataset," ICCV Workshop on Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping, pp.2038-2045, 2017. [link]

Image Databases

CVonline: Image Databases, by Robert Fisher.

Collated list of image and video databases  useful for computer vision research and algorithm evaluation.

CVonline: Image Databases

Saturday, February 23, 2019