
Benvenuti in queste pagine dedicate a scienza, storia ed arte. Amelia Carolina Sparavigna, Torino

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Just lines?

Near the shore of the Titicaca Lake, the raised fields are well preserved.
They are arranged to form symbols, not just parallel lines!

A bird and a lamb? Or other animals?

This image, obtained after processing a Google Maps image, shows some waru-warus, that is,  the "raised fields" - earthworks separated by canals. This is an ancient agricultural technique used by Andean people starting from the first millennium BC. Each raised field is approximately 10 meters large and more than one hundred long. 

More on waru-waru

arXiv:1009.4602 [pdf] Geoglyphs of Titicaca as an ancient example of graphic design, Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

arXiv:1009.2231 [pdf] Symbolic landforms created by ancient earthworks near Lake Titicaca, Amelia Carolina Sparavigna


Andenes are an ancient method to cultivate the Andean highlands.
Here an image from Google Maps.

Ringed Hills

A beautiful collection of images from Google Maps.
Very interesting the top of the hill with concentric rings!
"Many of the hilltops on the Bolivian altiplano have at some time been surrounded by concentric ringed walls and/or irrigation channels and many of these hilltops in turn seem to have suffered from earthquake damage. Closer study suggests that many hilltops originally had concentric ringed irrigation canals, but in many zones these appear to have been destroyed by earthquakes and later generations have reoccupied the land and built walls alongside the former irrigation ditches."
I have searched the "ringed feature south of volcan Quemado". Here it is after processing.

Another ringed structure

Images obtained by Google Maps


In the "The Continuum encyclopedia of animal symbolism in art", by Hope B. Werness, we can find a very interesting discussion on Alpaca.

Waru-warus near the lake

This image, obtained after processing a Google Maps image, shows the network of waru-warus, that is, of the "raised fields" - earthworks separated by canals - near the Titicaca Lake (Huata, Puno, Peru). This is an ancient agricultural technique used by Andean people starting from the first millennium BC. Note that the structure of the network is created after a careful planning. 
Each raised field is approximately 10 meters large and more than one hundred long. 

More on waru-warus
arXiv:1009.4602 [pdf] Geoglyphs of Titicaca as an ancient example of graphic design, Amelia Carolina Sparavigna
arXiv:1009.2231 [pdf] Symbolic landforms created by ancient earthworks near Lake Titicaca, Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

Radial structures at Rodadero

As discussed in some previous posts on "qochas", these structures had and have an agricultural function. Some qochas had a ceremonial use too. At Rodadero (Cusco) we find the huge Qocha Chincanas.
Near the parking of this archaeological site, where it is placed the statue of the White Christ, the satellite imagery (Google Maps) shows two radial/circular structures as those used for agricultural purposed near Titicaca lake.

Near Qenko and Rodadero

One of the beautiful examples of the Incaic culture in the Cusco region are the ruins of Qenko, located  approximately 6 kilometers  from the capital of the area, Cusco. Qenko is near the Rodadero, a giant rock hill with numerous stairwells and benches carved into the stone. The hills near  Qenko and Rodadero are used as cropfields. During this weekend I was studying qochas (lakes, ponds) and searching for ceremonial qochas in Peru, when I saw by means of Google Maps this hill. After image processing to enhance details, it seems that this hill possesses many concentric structures, as a qocha. May be it is another ceremonial qochas near Cusco.

Geoglyphs of Titicaca

28 p. Book Geoglyphs Titicaca Sparavigna

Images of geoglyphs near Titicaca Lake. The ancient artificial landscape
 with geoglyphs is an important example of an engineering graphic design
 for an age and place where no written documents existed. Geoglyphs 
are created by a network of earthworks, which constitute the remains
of an extensive ancient agricultural system. It can be seen by means 
of the Google satellite imagery on the Peruvian region near the Titicaca Lake.
Public Category: Research Reads: 2657 Published: 10 / 09 / 2010 Share Add to Collections

Landforms of Titicaca: Near Sillustani

18 p. Landforms of Titicaca: Near Sillustani, Book by A.C. Sparavigna

Terraced hills, a network of earthworks, sometimes creating geoglyphs,
 and ancient ruins are the structures we can observe with the satellites 
imagery of Google Maps. After the previous publications on the
 earthworks and geoglyphs , let us survey specific area with more
 details. Here we show satellite imagery, enhanced with freely 
available image processing software, of the area near Sillustani,
 the peninsula of the Laguna Umayo, in Puno region of Peru. 
Besides Sillustani, interesting places are the 
Mesa Isla and Atuncalla.
Public Category: Research Reads: 286 Published: 10 / 27 / 2010

Landforms of Titicaca: Amazing land

18 p. Landforms Titicaca Amazing Land by AC Sparavigna

The areas of Huata, Coata and Paucarcolla, near the Titicaca Lake,
 are covered by amazing drawings. For these regions, Google Maps
 has enough high resolution to have a detailed survey.
In the book, the reader can see a show of images obtained
by enhancing the satellite imagery.
 Each image has coordinates and scale.

Public Category: Research Reads: 207 Published: 10 / 28 / 2010
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