"Casey and Anderson’s idea is based on the ansatz that the strange metal phase of the cuprates is described by an ordinary, well-understood Fermi-liquid theory that exists, but which is hidden in an unphysical Hilbert space (an analog of a Platonic world). In this picture, projecting the familiar Fermi liquid back into the physical world (i.e., making a measurement) converts the Fermi liquid into the experimentally observed strangeness. If Casey and Anderson’s theory withstands further experimental scrutiny, it will surely be a leap forward in our understanding of the cuprates. "– Alex Klironomos, Hidden simplicity
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 097002 (2011)
Hidden Fermi Liquid: Self-Consistent Theory for the Normal State of High-TcSuperconductors
Philip A. Casey and Philip W. Anderson
Hidden Fermi liquid theory explicitly accounts for the effects of Gutzwiller projection in the t-J Hamiltonian, widely believed to contain the essential physics of the high-Tcsuperconductors. We derive expressions for the entire “strange metal,” normal state relating angle-resolved photoemission, resistivity, Hall angle, and by generalizing the formalism to include the Fermi surface topology—angle-dependent magnetoresistance. We show this theory to be the first self-consistent description for the normal state of the cuprates based on transparent, fundamental assumptions. Our well-defined formalism also serves as a guide for further experimental confirmation.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 097002 (2011)
Hidden Fermi Liquid: Self-Consistent Theory for the Normal State of High-TcSuperconductors
Philip A. Casey and Philip W. Anderson
Hidden Fermi liquid theory explicitly accounts for the effects of Gutzwiller projection in the t-J Hamiltonian, widely believed to contain the essential physics of the high-Tcsuperconductors. We derive expressions for the entire “strange metal,” normal state relating angle-resolved photoemission, resistivity, Hall angle, and by generalizing the formalism to include the Fermi surface topology—angle-dependent magnetoresistance. We show this theory to be the first self-consistent description for the normal state of the cuprates based on transparent, fundamental assumptions. Our well-defined formalism also serves as a guide for further experimental confirmation.