that is, ideas and information on Science and Technology, Archaeology, Arts and Literatures. Physics at
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
The Hindu : Sci-Tech / Internet : New crater in Sudan discovered using Google Maps
Monday, May 30, 2011
Tanis map
Friday, May 27, 2011
Picaflores que llegan hasta el sol
Palabras en el acto de entrega del premio “Inca Garcilaso de la Vega”
Lima, Octubre de 1968.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Quake coincides with sky 'anomalies'?
Snake venom gets into the groove
Fermi Telescope and the dark matte-
"New results from NASA's Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope appear to confirm a larger-than-expected rate of high-energy positrons reaching the Earth from outer space. This anomaly in the cosmic-ray flux was first observed by the Italian-led PAMELA spacecraft in 2008 and suggests the existence of annihilating dark-matter particles. Physicists believe that about 80% of the mass in the universe is in the form of a mysterious substance known as dark matter. ... researchers are attempting to find direct evidence of it on Earth using either heavily shielded underground detectors or with particle accelerators. But they also have a third, less direct, option – using satellites or balloon-based instruments to detect the particles that some theories predict are created in space when two dark-matter particles collide and annihilate."
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Telescope optics set to aid gravitational detection
The €790m (£688m) Einstein Telescope should be completed by 2025, by which time it will be capable of detecting gravitational waves around 100 orders of magnitude fainter than current devices can."
Monday, May 23, 2011
Historiadores y cronistas de las misiones
Mike Ruggieri's News
April 13, 2011
Textiles and rope fragments that were found 30 years ago in Guitarrero Cave in the Andes have now been dated to 10,000 BCE, making them the oldest textiles ever found in South America. ... Textile weaving took place in these caves showing that women were probably amo
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Guaman Poma
Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala, conosciuto anche come Guaman Poma (San Cristóbal de Suntuntu, località della provincia di Lucanas nella regione di Ayacucho, 1550 ca. – dopo il 1615), è stato un cronista indigeno del Perù durante la conquista dell'America.
« Questo è il nostro paese, perché Dio ce lo ha dato »
Era il figlio di Guaman Mallqui e Juana Cori Ocllo Coya (ultima figlia del sovrano Túpac Yupanqui)...
Nel 1908, nella Biblioteca Reale di Copenaghen (Danimarca), fu riscoperto un antico manoscritto di 1179 pagine: la Nueva Corónica y Buen Gobierno di Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala, di cui non si avevano più notizie da circa 300 anni. ...
Questa opera, di altissimo valore storico, aveva in origine un obiettivo concreto: ritrarre la realtà andina e sollecitare la corona spagnola ad effettuare una riforma del governo coloniale per salvare le popolazioni andine dallo sfruttamento e dai maltrattamenti. La relazione, infatti, era dedicata al re Filippo III di Spagna, ma andò smarrita durante il viaggio verso la penisola iberica. Oggi si conserva nella Biblioteca Reale di Copenaghen e si può consultare on-line.