
Benvenuti in queste pagine dedicate a scienza, storia ed arte. Amelia Carolina Sparavigna, Torino

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Hindu : Sci-Tech / Internet : New crater in Sudan discovered using Google Maps

"Software scientists have discovered a 10 kilometre wide crater like structure in the Bayuda Desert of Sudan using Google Maps...
Amelia Sparavigna from the Politecnico di Torino in Italy said she got the idea from Italian researcher Vincenzo de Micheles who identified an impact crater in the remote desert of southern Egypt by 2008 using Google Earth. Located between the fourth and sixth cataract, the area is characterised by basaltic rocks from ancient volcanoes. Sparavigna noticed “a non-perfect round shape about 40 kilometres in diameter” on the eastern bank of river Nile. She then processed the original Google Maps satellite image with an astronomical image-processing program. “Aerial photography is expensive and satellite imagery doesn’t always have good enough resolution. But in this case they have been able to generate some interesting images which have been further enhanced,” ABC Science quoted Professor David Cohen, a geologist, as saying."

Monday, May 30, 2011

Tanis map

This image is showing the ruins of the ancient city of Tanis (an archeological site in Egypt, well-known from the Indiana Jones' movie). The image has been obtained from the original image from Google Maps, with a certain image processing. The following is the original image from Google. 

You can use GIMP and IRIS program to enhance the details, and obtain the following image. 

Or you can use AstroFracTool and Gimp

For more details see

Friday, May 27, 2011

Picaflores que llegan hasta el sol

"El otro principio fue el de considerar siempre el Perú como una fuente infinita para la creación. Perfeccionar los medios de entender este país infinito mediante el conocimiento de todo cuanto se descubre en otros mundos. No, no hay país más diverso, más múltiple en variedad terrena y humana; todos los grados de calor y color, de amor y odio, de urdimbres y sutilezas, de símbolos utilizados e inspiradores. No por gusto, como diría la gente llamada común, se formaron aquí Pachacamac y Pachacutec, Huamán Poma, Cieza y el Inca Garcilaso, Túpac Amaru y Vallejo, Mariátegui y Eguren, la fiesta de Qoyllur Riti y la del Señor de los Milagros; los yungas de la costa y de la sierra; la agricultura a 4000 metros; patos que hablan en lagos de altura donde todos los insectos de Europa se ahogarían; picaflores que llegan hasta el sol para beberle su fuego y llamear sobre las flores del mundo. Imitar desde aquí a alguien resulta algo escandaloso. En técnica nos superarán y dominarán, no sabemos hasta qué tiempos, pero en arte podemos ya obligarlos a que aprendan de nosotros y lo podemos hacer incluso sin movernos de aquí mismo. Ojalá no haya habido mucho de soberbia en lo que he tenido que hablar; les agradezco y les ruego dispensarme."
Palabras en el acto de entrega del premio “Inca Garcilaso de la Vega”
Lima, Octubre de 1968.http://cinosargo.bligoo.com/content/view/231404/NO-SOY-UN-ACULTURADO-por-JOSE-MARIA-ARGUEDAS.html

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Quake coincides with sky 'anomalies'?

"A preliminary analysis of the atmosphere and ionosphere over Japan in March reveals infrared and electron anomalies coincident with the Tohoku earthquake, researchers in the US and Russia claim. The anomalies are the latest evidence for a possible link between seismic activity and changes in the atmosphere or ionosphere, although sceptics believe they are unrelated."
Tohoku quake coincided with sky 'anomalies' - physicsworld.com

Snake venom gets into the groove

"A few snakes do inject their venom, the rattlesnake being a well-known example. A rattlesnake's fangs are like hypodermic needles, shooting venom into prey at high pressure from a poison gland in the snake's head. But many venomous snakes and other reptiles do not have tubes in their fangs, and so cannot deliver pressurized venom. Often their fangs just have a single groove, running top to bottom."
Snake venom gets into the groove - physicsworld.com

Fermi Telescope and the dark matte- physicsworld.com

"New results from NASA's Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope appear to confirm a larger-than-expected rate of high-energy positrons reaching the Earth from outer space. This anomaly in the cosmic-ray flux was first observed by the Italian-led PAMELA spacecraft in 2008 and suggests the existence of annihilating dark-matter particles. Physicists believe that about 80% of the mass in the universe is in the form of a mysterious substance known as dark matter. ... researchers are attempting to find direct evidence of it on Earth using either heavily shielded underground detectors or with particle accelerators. But they also have a third, less direct, option – using satellites or balloon-based instruments to detect the particles that some theories predict are created in space when two dark-matter particles collide and annihilate."

Has Fermi glimpsed dark matter? - physicsworld.com

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Telescope optics set to aid gravitational detection

"A British team is designing the optics for a telescope that will be able to detect the gravitational effects of violent cosmic events, such as when two black holes collide.
The €790m (£688m) Einstein Telescope should be completed by 2025, by which time it will be capable of detecting gravitational waves around 100 orders of magnitude fainter than current devices can."
Telescope optics set to aid gravitational detection News The Engineer

Monday, May 23, 2011

Historiadores y cronistas de las misiones

Historiadores y cronistas de las misiones

Mike Ruggieri's News

Mike Ruggeri’s Ancient Andean Archaeology News

April 13, 2011

"Oldest Textiles in South America
Textiles and rope fragments that were found 30 years ago in Guitarrero Cave in the Andes have now been dated to 10,000 BCE, making them the oldest textiles ever found in South America. ... Textile weaving took place in these caves showing that women were probably amo
ng the first to live at these altitudes in the area. The article will appear in the current issue of Current Anthropology."

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Guaman Poma

Da Wikipedia.
Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala, conosciuto anche come Guaman Poma (San Cristóbal de Suntuntu, località della provincia di Lucanas nella regione di Ayacucho, 1550 ca. – dopo il 1615), è stato un cronista indigeno del Perù durante la conquista dell'America.
 « Questo è il nostro paese, perché Dio ce lo ha dato »
Era il figlio di Guaman Mallqui e Juana Cori Ocllo Coya (ultima figlia del sovrano Túpac Yupanqui)...
Nel 1908, nella Biblioteca Reale di Copenaghen (Danimarca), fu riscoperto un antico manoscritto di 1179 pagine: la Nueva Corónica y Buen Gobierno di Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala, di cui non si avevano più notizie da circa 300 anni. ...
Questa opera, di altissimo valore storico, aveva in origine un obiettivo concreto: ritrarre la realtà andina e sollecitare la corona spagnola ad effettuare una riforma del governo coloniale per salvare le popolazioni andine dallo sfruttamento e dai maltrattamenti. La relazione, infatti, era dedicata al re Filippo III di Spagna, ma andò smarrita durante il viaggio verso la penisola iberica. Oggi si conserva nella Biblioteca Reale di Copenaghen e si può consultare on-line.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Fossilised spider in amber

Scientists have used X-ray computed tomography to produce 3D images of a 49 million-year-old spider trapped inside an opaque piece of fossilised amber resin.
Scientists get a 3D view of ancient fossilised spider | News | The Engineer

Yale Papyrus Collection

"The Yale papyrus collection began in 1889 with a gift of papyri from W. M. F. Petrie's excavations at Hawara, the archeological site in Ancient Egypt. In the following decades, Yale received a number of papyri, many of them from the discoveries at Oxyrhynchus, the ancient city west of the Nile River, by two young British excavators, Bernard Grenfell and Arthur Hunt."Yale Papyrus Collection

Voynich Manuscript

Written in Central Europe,  the Voynich Manuscript—named after the Polish-American antiquarian bookseller, Wilfrid M. Voynich, who acquired it in 1912—are still being debated as vigorously as its puzzling drawings and undeciphered text. It is considered as a magical or a scientific text, nearly every page contains botanical, figurative, and scientific drawings.
A new radiocarbon dating determined that the manuscript was penned on 15th-century pages.
You can see the manuscript at

Unbound planets could abound in the universe

"Ten planets that appear to be drifting in interstellar space have been spotted by an international team of astronomers. The planets are so far from any host stars that they may not orbit a star at all, and could be drifting unbound through space. The team believes that such rogue planets could outnumber normal stars almost 2:1 and their existence could confirm computer simulations of solar-system formation."
Unbound planets could abound in the universe - physicsworld.com

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Il Guardiano del Nord

Vaishravana, il Guardiano del Nord e dio della ricchezza
Legno laccato, dorato e dipinto, h. cm 38
Arte sino-tibetana, XVII secolo
Museo Arte Orientale, Torino

Il Re Guardiano del Nord è uno dei Re Celesti e siede sul dorso di un leone delle nevi,
reso in questa scultura secondo gli schemi della tradizione cinese. Vaishravana è ornato da una grande tiara, da orecchini ricadenti sulle spalle e dal gioiello pettorale del “nodo senza fine”, uno degli otto simboli auspiciosi del Buddhismo. La mano destra atteggiata nella tarjani mudra, il gesto per allontanare gli spiriti maligni, trattiene un gioiello fra il pollice e il medio, mentre il braccio sinistro sostiene una mangusta sputa-gioielli. L'animale è simbolo della caratteristica del dio, quale divinita' che dona ricchezza e dominatore dei serpenti che regnano nel sottosuolo.

Mudra, http://www.cultor.org/Orient/Iconography/Mudras/Mudras.html

Vaishravana, also known as Jambhala in Tibet and Bishamonten in Japan is the name of the chief of the Four Heavenly Kings and an important figure in Buddhist mythology.
In Japan, Bishamonten, or just Bishamon, is thought of as an armor-clad god of warfare or warriors and a punisher of evildoers. Bishamon is portrayed holding a spear in one hand and a small pagoda in the other hand, the latter symbolizing the divine treasure house, whose contents he both guards and gives away. He is one of the Seven Gods of Fortune. Bishamon is also called Tamon-ten, meaning
"listening to many teachings".

Adam's Calendar

"A 75,000 year-old stone calendar - In the cradle of humankind.
A new discovery of an ancient circular monolithic stone calendar site in Mpumalanga has proven to be at least 75,000 years old, pre-dating any other structure found to date. Southern Africa holds some of the deepest mysteries in all of human history... at around 60,000 years ago the early humans migrated from Africa and populated the rest of the world.... Modern historians have been speculating about the origins of these ruins, often calling them ‘cattle kraal of little historic importance’. The truth of the matter is that closer scientific inspection shows that we actually know very little about these spectacular ancient ruins. ...Adam’s Calendar is the flagship among these ruins because we can date this monolithic calendar with relative certainty to at least 75,000 years of age based on a number of scientific evaluations."

Scarab seal

"Ancient Egyptian scarabs were popular amulets in ancient Egypt. According to ancient Egyptian myths, the sun  rolls across the sky each day and transforms bodies and souls. Modeled upon the Scarabaeidae family dung beetle, which rolls dung into a ball for the purposes of eating and laying eggs that are later transformed into larva, the scarab was seen as an earthly symbol of this heavenly cycle. This came to be iconographic, and ideological symbols were incorporated into Ancient Egyptian society."
From Wiki

Heart-scarab with a decoration on the back
(Egyptian Museum, Torino)

See my book


Inca Gold  

Painted ostraca

Painted ostraca
Egyptian Museum, Torino


"In 2300 BC, Nubia was first mentioned in Old Kingdom Egyptian accounts of trade missions. From Aswan, right above the First Cataract, southern limit of Egyptian control at the time, Egyptians imported gold, incense, ebony, ivory, and exotic animals from tropical Africa through Nubia. As trade between Egypt and Nubia increased so did wealth and stability."
More http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nubia

Wind turbines for renewables industry

Wind turbine tower factory to boost UK renewables industry | News | The Engineer

Origami and shopping bags

"Engineers from Oxford University have used the principles of origami to create the first rigid, flat-folding shopping bag with a rectangular base.
The project started off as a mathematical curiosity for Dr Zhong You, a lecturer at Oxford’s Department of Engineering Science, but it may have important implications for the packaging industry."
Origami principles lead to rigid, flat-folding shopping bag | News | The Engineer

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fernando Sanford and the "Kirlian effect"

My paper on Fernando Sanford and the Kirlian effect has been selected by
Look 'n' Watch
The best of the rest from the Physics arXiv this week

To use sound waves to measure temperature

"A sensor that uses sound waves to measure temperature could replace thermometers that lose accuracy in harsh environments such as nuclear power stations. Scientists at UK measurement institute the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) are using the long-established principle that sound travels faster through warm air to create a cheap and robust thermometer that doesn’t need recalibrating or replacing. They hope the device would be used to measure extremely high temperatures or in locations where it would be difficult to change the thermometer, such as in nuclear reactors."

'Memristor' could mimic brain neurons in future

"Computers that mimic the human brain in the way they process data have moved a step closer to reality thanks to new research from the US. Researchers at Hewlett Packard (HP) and California University in Santa Barbara have used highly focused X-rays to, for the first time, map out the nanoscale properties of a newly understood circuit element called a memory resistor or ‘memristor’. These have the ability to ‘remember’ how much electronic charge passes through them and one day may be able to act like synapses within electronic circuits, mimicking the complex network of neurons present in the brain."

Photosynthesis and the entanglement

"Recent studies have indeed suggested that electronic excitation transfer (EET) in photosynthesis benefits from quantum entanglement. ... To model the photosynthesis that occurs in plants, Briggs and Eisfeld study a collection of monomers, each possessing a single electronic state and coupled to its neighboring units by a dipolar interaction. The authors find that for dipolar interactions similar to those found in real molecular aggregates, the coherences in quantum transport (from the Schrödinger equation) are identical to those occurring in classical transport according to Newton’s equation."
Photosynthesis disentangled?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Graphite oxides boost supercapacitors

"Researchers in the US have discovered a new form of carbon produced by "activating" expanded graphite oxide. The material is full of tiny nanometre-sized pores and contains highly curved atom-thick walls throughout its 3D structure. The team has also found that the material performs exceptionally well as an electrode material for supercapacitors, allowing such energy-storage devices to be used in a wider range of applications."

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Museo Arte Orientale
Uttar Pradesh, II d.C.

Il Makara è una creatura mitica della mitologia indiana. La tradizione lo descrive come una creatura acquatica. Questa creatura rappresenta l'acqua, fonte di vita e di fertilità. In astrologia è il segno del Capricorno. Nell'arte indiana il makara è un motivo ricorrente sulle entrate (toran) di templi e monumenti. Da Wikipedia

Makara (Sanskrit: मकर) is a sea-creature in Hindu mythology. It is generally depicted as half animal (in the frontal part in animal forms of elephant or crocodile or stag, or deer) and in hind part as aquatic creature, in the tail part, as a fish tail or also as seal. Sometimes, even a peacock tail is depicted.
Makara is the vahana (vehicle) of the Ganga - the goddess of river Ganges (Ganga) and the sea god Varuna. ... Makara is the astrological sign of Capricorn, one of the twelve symbols of the Zodiac. It is often portrayed protecting entryways to Hindu and Buddhist temples. Read more

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Energy harvesting

A new device that collects and focuses light before converting it into a current of electrons has been developed by researchers at Rice University in the US. The nano-optical antenna and photodiode – the first device of its kind – could potentially be used in a variety of applications such as photosensing, energy harvesting and imaging.
Nano-antenna fashions charge from light - physicsworld.com

Boosting the thermoelectric performances

"Physicists in the US and China have boosted the performance of a common thermoelectric material by modifying its electronic band structure. The improvement was made by carefully adjusting the relative abundances of tellurium and selenium in a lead alloy. The result is a material with an all-time-high thermoelectric figure of merit of 1.8 – a result that could lead to new types of thermoelectric devices that can convert waste heat into useful electricity"

Polymers for neural implants

Polymers for Neural Implants
by Christina Hassler, Tim Boretius, Thomas Stieglitz
The paper is discussing neural implants, technical systems that restore sensory or motor functions after injury and modulate neural behavior in neuronal diseases. According to the abstract the interface between the nervous tissue and the technical material is the place that determines success or failure of the neural implant. Polymers are the most common material class for substrate and insulation materials in combination with metals for interconnection wires and electrode sites. The paper focuses on the neuro-technical interface and summarizes its fundamental specifications first. The most common polymer materials are presented and described in detail. An overview is proposed also, of the different applications and their specific designs with the accompanying manufacturing processes.
2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym
Sci Part B: Polym Phys 49: 18–33, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Le "qochas" dell'altopiano andino.

Le "qochas" dell'altopiano andino.

In quechua, il termine "qocha" si riferisce a un piccolo lago o stagno o di origine naturale o artificiale, oppure ad un tipo di vasellame. Una "qocha" artificiale del periodo Inca si trova alla periferia di Cuzco, vicino al Rodadero, ed è la monumentale  "Qocha Chincanas", un lago artificiale creato per scopi cerimoniali.
Un'antica tecnica agricola è basata sull'impiego delle qochas, sia naturali o create artificialmente, collegate tra loro da una rete di canali. Esse formano un sistema di gestione delle acque e del suolo adatto a coltivare patate e quinoa a rotazione col pascolo. Queste strutture si trovano in alcune aree pianeggianti di Perù e Bolivia, nei pressi del lago Titicaca, ad un'altitudine media di 4000 metri. Le qochas sono molto numerose  nel dipartimento di Puno (Perù).
Un libro molto interessante intitolato "Agricultures Singulières", che discute alcune antiche tecniche agricole, dedica un capitolo alle qochas: secondo questo testo [1], i popoli andini hanno potuto prosperare grazie a dei sistemi agricoli, tra cui le qochas, che permettevano un utilizzo flessibile del suolo in una regione che spesso subisce periodi di siccità seguiti da inondazioni.
La forma più comune della qocha è rotonda e misura dai 30 ai 200 metri di diametro. La sua struttura concava raccoglie la pioggia tramite i suoi canali radiali e circolari (vedi figura), riducendone anche la forte evaporazione provocata dalla radiazione solare e dal vento. Adriano Forgione suggerisce che una tale struttura potrebbe permettere di misurare il tempo. In effetti, la struttura concava radiale può fornire molti punti di riferimento, per verificare il momento migliore per la semina.
Fino a cinquant'anni fa, qochas e waru-warus erano molto più utilizzati. L'introduzione dei macchinari agricoli sta portando all'abbandono o alla distruzione di queste forme tradizionali di agricoltura [2].  I waru-warus sono i "campi rialzati", un'altra tecnica agricola molto utilizzata nei pressi del Lago Titicaca.  Oltre a qochas e waru-warus, vi sono altre antiche strutture agricole in Perù e Bolivia: ci sono i "bofedales", zone umide artificiali, le "andenes", che sono le colline terrazzate e i "puquios". I puquios più noti sono quelli di Nasca. Sono un sistema di gallerie sotterranee di filtraggio che forniscono l'acqua per l'irrigazione e gli usi domestici nell'area centrale di Nasca e in altre zone del Perù [3].
Il sistema di qochas ha una origine pre-incaica, come mostrato dai frammenti di ceramica trovati nelle loro vicinanze. Sebbene il sistema agricolo delle qochas sia probabilmente anteriore, di solito è associato alla cultura Pukara. Pukara era un centro importante per centinaia di anni dal 1300 aC. Tra il 250 aC e il 380 dC, divenne un importante sito religioso, densamente popolato. La società dei Pukara aveva una  gestione centralizzata delle acque. Con l'ascesa di Tiwanaku,  l'area è stata progressivamente abbandonata. Dopo la sua caduta, attorno al 1000 DC, l'area si ripopolò e le qochas vennero di nuovo usate. Durante i seguenti prolungati periodi di siccità, l'uso delle qochas divenne essenziale per la sopravvivenza delle popolazioni locali. Il successo di queste strutture sta nel fatto che esse sono abbastanza semplici e piccole: ognuna può essere gestita da una sola famiglia garantendone la sussistenza alimentare, mentre il terreno che la circonda è lasciato a pascolo.  Oggi, molte qochas sono state abbandonate per la crescente salinità del suolo e per l'uso di macchinari agricola. La loro lunga persistenza nella storia passata dice però  che il loro uso è forse quello più adatto e sostenibile dall'ambiente andino.

1. Agricultures Singulières, Mollard Eric, Walter Annie, Editors, IRD Éditions, Institute of Development Research, Paris, 2008.
2. Los camellones alrededor del lago Titicaca, Pierre Morlon, in Agricultura ancestral: camellones y albarradas. Institut français d'études andines. Quito, 2006.
3.The Puquios of Nasca, Katharina Jeanne Schreiber, Josué Lancho Rojas, Latin American Antiquity, Vol. 6, No. 3, Sep., 1995

Solo metà della struttura originaria di questa qocha in Perù si è salvata.

The origin of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory

In 1912 Thomas Jaggar left MIT to start an observatory on the remote Kilauea volcano. The move was the culmination of a tortuous chain of events.
The origin of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory - Physics Today May 2011

Seawater creates neurotoxins

A relatively harmless inorganic form of mercury found worldwide in ocean water is transformed into a potent neurotoxin in the seawater itself. ... "After two years of testing water samples across the Arctic Ocean, the researchers found that relatively harmless inorganic mercury, released from human activities such as industry and coal burning, undergoes a process called methylation and becomes deadly monomethylmercury."
Sea turns harmless form of mercury into potent neurotoxin | News | The Engineer

Monday, May 2, 2011

Pleiades in Peru

On an ancient calendar
"Most historians agree that the Inca had a calendar based on the observation of both the Sun and the Moon, and their relationship to the stars. Names of 12 lunar months are recorded, as well as their association with festivities of the agricultural cycle... A count of this sort was described by Alexander von Humboldt for a Chibcha tribe living outside of the Inca Empire, in the mountainous region of Colombia... The smallest unit of this calendar was a numerical count of three days, which, interacting with a similar count of 10 days, formed a standard 30-day month. Every third year was made up of 13 moons, the others having 12. This formed a cycle of 37 moons, and 20 of these cycles made up a period of 60 years, which was subdivided into four parts and could be multiplied by 100. A period of 20 months is also mentioned. ...
In one account, it is said that the Inca Veracocha established a year of 12 months, each beginning with the New Moon, and that his successor, Pachacuti, finding confusion in regard to the year, built the sun towers in order to keep a check on the calendar. Since Pachacuti reigned less than a century before the conquest, it may be that the contradictions and the meagerness of information on the Inca calendar are due to the fact that the system was still in the process of being revised when the Spaniards first arrived.
Despite the uncertainties, further research has made it clear that at least at Cuzco, the capital city of the Inca, there was an official calendar of the sidereal-lunar type, based on the sidereal month of 27 1/3 days. It consisted of 328 nights (12X271/3) and began on June 8/9, coinciding with the heliacal rising (the rising just after sunset) of the Pleiades; it ended on the first Full Moon after the June solstice (the winter solstice for the Southern Hemisphere). This sidereal-lunar calendar fell short of the solar year by 37 days, which consequently were intercalated. This intercalation, and thus the place of the sidereal-lunar within the solar year, was fixed by following the cycle of the Sun as it strengthened to summer (December) solstice and weakened afterward, and by noting a similar cycle in the visibility of the Pleiades."
This is what we find at the page

On Pleiades see
The Pleiades: the celestial herd of ancient timekeepers by Amelia Carolina Sparavigna, (Submitted on 9 Oct 2008). In the ancient Egypt seven goddesses, represented by seven cows, composed the celestial herd that provides the nourishment to her worshippers. This herd is observed in the sky as a group of stars, the Pleiades, close to Aldebaran, the main star in the Taurus constellation. For many ancient populations, Pleiades were relevant stars and their rising was marked as a special time of the year. In this paper, we will discuss the presence of these stars in ancient cultures. Moreover, we will report some results of archeoastronomy on the role for timekeeping of these stars, results which show that for hunter-gatherers at Palaeolithic times, they were linked to the seasonal cycles of aurochs.

Primo Maggio - Festa del Lavoro

Museo Egizio - Torino

Sunday, May 1, 2011

John Paul II

A tribute to John Paul II

SETI forced to close

"The multi-million dollar American Seti Institute has fallen victim to government cuts.
It has had to shut down a series of telescopes that have been scanning the universe for extra-terrestrial communications."

Icy telescope

"The Baikal underwater telescope NT-200 in Russia has been set up to capture elusive neutrino particles in a bid to unravel the secrets of the formation of the Universe.
At 1.1 km beneath the surface of the world's deepest lake and pointing towards the centre of the Earth, it is one of the most unusual telescopes on the planet."

Plasma for textiles

My paper on the Plasma treatment advantages for textiles has been selected by
Ball’s ‘n’ fire
The best of the rest from the arXiv this week

Leonardo Da Vinci sketch

My paper on the Digital Restoration of Da Vinci's Sketches has been selected by
Chops 'n' changes
The best of the rest from the Physics arXiv this week

Digital restoration of ancient papyri

My paper on the Digital Restoration of Ancient Papyri has been selected by
Drives 'n' droves
The best of the rest from the physics arXiv this week
