
Benvenuti in queste pagine dedicate a scienza, storia ed arte. Amelia Carolina Sparavigna, Torino

Friday, September 28, 2012


« C'era amianto dappertutto, come una neve cenerina: se si lasciava per qualche ora un libro su di un tavolo, e poi lo si toglieva, se ne trovava il profilo in negativo; i tetti erano coperti da uno spesso strato di polverino, che nei giorni di pioggia si imbeveva come una spugna, e ad un tratto franava violentemente a terra. »
(Primo Levi, Il sistema periodico)

L'Amiantifera di Balangero è una cava di amianto situata in provincia di Torino, non più attiva. Fu la più grande cava di amianto in Europa e una tra le prime nel mondo; copriva una buona parte dei territori comunali di Balangero e di Corio.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Crean memoria de cristal capaz de guardar datos por millones de años

Crean memoria de cristal capaz de guardar datos por millones de años
(ConNuestroPeru) "La información se podrá leer con la ayuda de un microscopio óptico. La empresa japonesa Hitachi ha presentado un prototipo de almacenamiento digital de información consistente en pequeñas láminas de cristal de cuarzo capaces de guardar datos durante millones de años."

Is it forming a new tectonic plate?

(CBS News) "A new study suggests that two recent earthquakes may indicate a literal seismic shift in our understanding of tectonic plate movements. Massive earthquakes under the Indian Ocean that took place last spring are the largest of their kind ever recorded. The 8.7 magnitude quake, followed by a 8.2 magnitude aftershock, could signal the formation of a new plate boundary under the Earth."

Younger Mona Lisa

A painting which some experts believe is an earlier version of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa has been unveiled in Geneva.

Body talks

Forbes writes on "10 Body Language Tics That Could Cost You The Interview -- And The Job" ...
In everyday life these habits are no big deal, he says. But in an interview setting they can become a distraction, taking the hiring manager’s focus off of your talents and onto your… bad hair day. ...

Airplane on water

Airplane on water, Rio de Janeiro, Google Maps

Google Earth

Silbury Hill

Silbury Hill on Google Earth

More info
A possible role of Alpha Crucis in the astronomical landscape of Silbury Hill

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Robert Wilson's portraits

Robert Wilson's portraits of Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp

Robert Wilson: Portraits at Palazzo Madama

Video portraits by Robert Wilson, an artist, choreographer, painter, video artist, sound and light designer -http://robertwilson.com/about/biography, at Palazzo Madama, from 20th September to 06th January 2013.
Subjects of his video-portraits are among the others,  actors such as Brad Pitt and  Johnny Depp, and a  Nobel Laureate, the writer Gao Xingjian. His videoportrait is in the treasure tower of the Palazzo. We can see him on the bent glasses of  a showcase of  the tower.