
Benvenuti in queste pagine dedicate a scienza, storia ed arte. Amelia Carolina Sparavigna, Torino

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Huge and old crater in Groenlandia

Descubren cráter del asteroide más antiguo y grande en Groenlandia
"Un cráter de 100 kilómetros de ancho fue descubierto en Groenlandia y corresponde al impacto más antiguo y del asteroide más grande que se conoce hasta ahora, asegura un artículo publicado en la revista Earth and Planetary Science Letters."

Friday, June 29, 2012

Small oscillations...

"Researchers Terry Hunt and Carl Lipo test a new theory that suggests how ancient Easter Islanders may have used ropes to “walk” the moai to their platforms. Mystery of Easter Island"http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2012/07/easter-island/walking-statue-video

20,000 years old pottery in a Chinese cave

"BEIJING (AP) - Pottery fragments found in a south China cave have been confirmed to be 20,000 years old, making them the oldest known pottery in the world, archaeologists say."
New Jersey Herald - Pottery 20,000 years old found in a Chinese cave

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Roman jewelry in Japan

TOKYO —"Glass jewelry believed to have been made by Roman craftsmen has been found in an ancient tomb in Japan, researchers said Friday, in a sign the empire’s influence may have reached the edge of Asia."

A portrait of Julius Caesar

My image processing based on the Tusculum Bust, Museo Archeologico di Torino.
The Tusculum bust is considered a portrait of Julius Caesar

Friday, June 22, 2012

Alan Turing

Google celebrates the 100th birthday of a computer genius, Alan Mathison Turing (23 June 1912 - 7 June 1954) with a doodle. He is the founder of computer science. He broke the german Enigma-ciphered code.


Thursday, June 21, 2012


Silicene pops out of the plane - physicsworld.com
"Researchers in Japan say that they have made 2D honeycomb crystals of silicon that resemble the carbon-based material graphene. This is the second potential sighting of the material dubbed "silicene"; the other was reported in April by an independent group in Europe. The Japanese research suggests it may be relatively easy to alter the structure of silicene by changing the substrate on which it is grown – which could allow different versions of silicene to be produced with a range of useful electronic properties. However, not all scientists agree that this latest material is actually silicene."

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Arles, Turin and Caesar

The heart of the ancient history of Arles, this is what is on show at the Louvre Museum of Paris, until 25 June 2012. The Museum is  hosting an exhibition of spectacular Roman pieces recovered from the bottom of the Rhone! From March 9 to June 25, 2012, the Louvre Museum in Paris

On exhibition fifty of the most spectacular artifacts unearthed by archaeologists: columns and capitals, fragments of statues and reliefs, Roman jewelery, lamps, vases ... These pieces are coming from the museum of Arles, and other pieces from Avignon, Vienne and Turin.
Among the pieces from Turin, you can admire Julius Caesar's bust, unearthed in 1825,  long considered unique, until the discovery in 2007 in Arles of another bust of the Roman politician. At the Louvre, these sculptures will be presented for the first time side by side.




Un altro ritratto interessante è quello del busto Farnese, a Napoli


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Blackwood and Lovecraft

Of such great powers or beings there may be conceivably a survival... a survival of a hugely remote period when... consciousness was manifested, perhaps, in shapes and forms long since withdrawn before the tide of advancing humanity... forms of which poetry and legend alone have caught a flying memory and called them gods, monsters, mythical beings of all sorts and kinds...

These words written by Algernon Blackwood introduce the The Call of Cthulhu, by H. P. Lovecraft. 

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age." 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Ancient Rainfall, Carved in Stone

"Stalactites grow from cave ceilings not as dull cones but often sporting elegant corrugations. In Physical Review Letters, two Italian researchers now explain these mysterious, wavy patterns using standard fluid mechanics. Their theory shows that the horizontal ripples form because spatially periodic patterns arise in the rate of mineral deposits from the water flowing down the stalactite. Starting from this model, climate scientists might in the future use stalactite surface structure to reconstruct variations in precipitation patterns over tens of thousands of years."
Ancient Rainfall, Carved in Stone

Friday, June 1, 2012

NGC 891

Another superb image at http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap120526.html
" This sharp cosmic portrait features NGC 891. .. At first glance, it has a flat, thin, galactic disk and a central bulge cut along the middle by regions of darkobscuring dust. The combined image data also reveal the galaxy's young blue star clusters and telltale pinkish star forming regions. And remarkably apparent in NGC 891's edge-on presentation are filaments of dust that extend hundreds of light-years above and below the center line. The dust has likely been blown out of the disk by supernova explosions or intense star formation activity. "

Here the NASA image after processing with AstroFracTool and Iris

Transit of Mercury

Very beautiful image at http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap120527.html Image Credit: SOHO - EIT Consortium, NASA
"The diminutive disk of Mercury, the solar system's innermost planet, spent about five hours crossing in front of the enormous solar disk in 2003 ... the horizon was certainly no problemfor the sun-staring SOHO spacecraft. Seen as a dark spot, Mercury progresses from left to right (top panel to bottom) in these four images from SOHO's extreme ultraviolet camera. The panels' false-colors correspond to different wavelengths in the extreme ultraviolet which highlight regions above the Sun's visible surface."

Here the image from NASA after processing with IRIS

Transit of Venus

"The next transit of Venus, where Venus appears as a dark spot in front of the Sun, will begin at 22:09 UTC on 5 June 2012, and will finish at 04:49 UTC on 6 June.[1] Depending on the position of the observer, the exact times can vary by up to ±7 minutes. Transits of Venus occur in pairs that are eight years apart: the previous transit was in June 2004, and the next pair of transits will occur in December 2117 and December 2125." from Wikipedia

Aristarchus proposed to measure the distance to the Sun using parallax. This approach based on the geometric principles of parallax last for two thousands of years, until Edmond Halley in 1716 proposed to observe the transit of Venus. The use of Venus transits gave an estimate of 1.53×10^13 cm, 2.6% above the currently accepted value, that of l.49 × 10^13 cm. More recently, in 1910, the parallax was measured using the asteroid Eros that passed much closer to Earth than Venus. A transit of Venus happens when this planet passes directly between the Sun and Earth, appearing as a small black disk moving across the Sun bright disk. The duration of such transits is usually measured in hours.
Read more "Two amateur astronomers at Berkeley", at http://arxiv.org/abs/1202.0950

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

An ancient rangefinder (Roman Dodecahedron)

According to Wikipedia, "a rangefinder is a device that measures distance from the observer to a target, for the purposes of surveying, determining focus in photography, or accurately aiming a weapon. Some devices use active methods to measure (such as sonar, laser, or radar); others measure distance using trigonometry (stadiametric rangefinders and parallax, or coincidence rangefinders). These methodologies use a set of known information, usually distances or target sizes, to make the measurement, and have been in regular use since the 18th century".
 It could be surprising, but probably the Roman Army had a rangefinder. It was the Roman Dodecahedron (I have already discussed it in some posts and papers: on arXiv, where I am explaining how  it can be used for measuring distance as a rangefinder, http://arxiv.org/abs/1204.6497 ).
For me, those dodecahedrons having a structure with holes of different sizes, are military instruments to evaluate distances for ballistics. It is simple to use. Of course, later, during the Middle Age, different instruments had been developed for surveying: the dodecahedron was of the Roman Army, and, probably, its use lost after the collpase of the Empire. See also "Ancient and Modern Rangefinders", on arXiv, http://arxiv.org/abs/1205.2078 and on SCIRP  http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=23245

Sunday, May 6, 2012

M R James - Casting the Runes

Montague Rhodes James, who used the publication name M. R. James, was an English mediaeval scholar and provost of King's College, Cambridge (1905–1918), and of Eton College (1918–1936). He is best remembered for his ghost stories. In his stories, James's protagonists and plots tend to reflect his own antiquarian interests. Among the "antiquarian ghost stories", there is the "Casting the Runes"

"One chapter in particular struck me, in which he (Karswell)  spoke of "casting the Runes" on people, either for the purpose of gaining their affection or of getting them out of the way--perhaps more especially the latter: he spoke of all this in a way that really seemed to me to imply actual knowledge. ...
By way of answer, Dunning had the episode in the Manuscript Room at the British Museum to relate. 'Then he did actually hand you some papers; have you examined them? No? because we must, if you'll allow it, look at them at once, and very carefully.'
They went to the still empty house--empty, for the two servants were not yet able to return to work. Dunning's portfolio of papers was gathering dust on the writing-table. In it were the quires of small-sized scribbling paper which he used for his transcripts: and from one of these, as he took it up, there slipped and fluttered out into the room with uncanny quickness, a strip of thin light paper. The window was open, but Harrington slammed it to, just in time to intercept the paper, which he caught. 'I thought so,' he said; 'it might be the identical thing that was given to my brother. You'll have to look out, Dunning; this may mean something quite serious for you.'
A long consultation took place. The paper was narrowly examined. As Harrington had said, the characters on it were more like Runes than anything else, but not decipherable by either man, and both hesitated to copy them, for fear, as they confessed, of perpetuating whatever evil purpose they might conceal. So it has remained impossible to ascertain what was conveyed in this curious message or commission. Both Dunning and Harrington are firmly convinced that it had the effect of bringing its possessors into very undesirable company. That it must be returned to the source whence it came they were agreed, and further, that the only safe and certain way was that of personal service; and here contrivance would be necessary, for Dunning was known by sight to Karswell. ...".


Casting the dice

"Cleromancy is a form of divination using sortition, casting of lots, or casting bones or stones, in which an outcome is determined by means that normally would be considered random, such as the rolling of dice, but are sometimes believed to reveal the will of God, or other supernatural entities." Source: Wikipedia
"Alea iacta est (Latin: "The die has been cast") is a Latin phrase attributed by Suetonius (as iacta alea est) to Julius Caesar on January 10, 49 BC as he led his army across the River Rubicon in Northern Italy. With this step, he entered Italy at the head of his army in defiance and began his long civil war against Pompey and the Optimates. The phrase is still used today to mean that events have passed a point of no return, that something inevitably will happen." Source: Wikipedia

Saturday, May 5, 2012

On Roman and Etruscan Dodecahedra again

This morning I found the following link: http://sculpture.net/community/showthread.php?t=10801 having a quite interesting discussion on the " Roman Dodecahedron Mystery "
Let me report what SteveW wrote:
"This object is an on-the-fly surveying device. Worn on a chain around the neck, a military officer could hold it out to arms length and "fit" an enemy soldier or catapult, ballista etc between the opposing holes and then multiply by 100 (or whatever factor/number of links of the chain) to guage his distance. It would have been accurate enough to place a man within a few feet up to roughly a mile away. "
This is a quite good  reference for my paper  A Roman Dodecahedron for measuring distance

A figure from my paper http://arxiv.org/abs/1204.6497

Somebody is considering that there are also dodecahedra of stones. These were tools for gambling, please see An Etruscan Dodecahedron http://arxiv.org/abs/1205.0706 or the previously written post.

Friday, May 4, 2012

An Etruscan Dodecahedron

An Etruscan Dodecahedron, by Amelia Carolina Sparavigna
Department of Applied Science and Technology
Politecnico di Torino, C.so Duca degli Abruzzi 24, Torino, Italy
published on arXiv, http://arxiv.org/abs/1205.0706

The paper is proposing a short discussion on the ancient knowledge of Platonic solids, in particular, by Italic people.

How old is the knowledge of Platonic solids? Were they already known to the ancients, before Plato? If we consider Wikipedia [1], the item on Platonic solids is telling that there are some objects, created by the late Neolithic people, which can be considered as evidence of knowledge of these solids. It seems therefore that it was known, may be a millennium before Plato, that there were exactly five and only five perfect bodies. These perfect bodies are the regular tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron.
In his book on regular polytopes [2], Harold Scott Macdonald Coxeter, writes "The early history of these polyhedra is lost in the shadows of antiquity. To ask who first constructed them is almost as futile to ask who first used fire. The tetrahedron, cube and octahedron occur in nature as crystals. ... The two more complicated regular solids cannot form crystals, but need the spark of life for their natural occurrence. Haeckel (Ernst Haeckel's 1904, Kunstformen der Natur.) observed them as skeletons of microscopic sea animals called radiolaria, the most perfect examples being the Circogonia icosaedra and Circorrhegma dodecahedra. Turning now to mankind, excavations on Monte Loffa, near Padua, have revealed an Etruscan dodecahedron which shows that this figure was enjoyed as a toy at least 2500 years ago."
Before Plato, Timaeus of Locri, a philosopher among the earliest Pythagoreans, invented a mystical correspondence between the four easily constructed solids (tetrahedron, icosahedron, octahedron and cube), and the four natural elements (fire, air, water and earth). “Undeterred by the occurrence of a fifth solid, he regarded the dodecahedron as a shape that envelops the whole universe.” [2].
It is interesting that Donald Coxeter is reporting the existence of an Etruscan dodecahedron, that is, an object having the shape of a Platonic solid found in Italy, not of Greek origin. In Refs.3 and 4 too, it is told that there exists an Etruscan dodecahedron made of soapstone found near Padua and believed to date from before 500 BC. Another book referring to this dodecahedron is Ref.5, is that written by György Darvas.
György Darvas discusses in [5] the Platonic solids and their use as dice. He tells that the best known of them is the cube. We use it in gambling, “because of its symmetries, it is equally likely to fall on any of its sides. … In truth, any regular body satisfies this condition of falling on any side with the same probability, not just the six-sided cube, that we in contemporary Europe are accustomed to call dice in this context.“. The author continues telling that etymologically, “the noun dice does not even refer to a cube. This is the plural of the noun die, here meaning a surface with a relieved design forming one of the facets of polyhedron.
In principle, any of the five regular polyhedra can be used as a die. “There is an evidence to suggest that in Italy of old, dodecahedra were used in games, while in Etruscan cultures, they can have a religious significance (Figure 6.9a)". This is what reference 5 is telling.
In fact, this figure 6.9a of Ref.5 (Fig.1 shows a snapshot of what we can see by means of Google Books) is showing a Roman dodecahedron, not an Etruscan dodecahedron as the caption is telling. The book continues: "In Japan, for example - where the number five is considered a lucky mascot - a dodecahedron delimited by regular pentagons is still used for this purpose to this day. Sometimes it is customary to write the digits from one to twelve on its faces, sometimes the names of the twelve months.”.

Fig.1 The image shows a snapshot of a page of Ref.4 that we can see by means of Google Book.

Fig.1 shows that Figure 6.9a of Ref.[4] can be misleading. This is a Roman dodecahedron of the second or third century AC (see Ref.6), having probably a use quite different from that of dice.
What was then the shape of the Etruscan dodecahedron? Let us report the original discussion and illustration of the researcher that found it. He was Stefano De' Stefani. In the Proceedings of the Royal Venetian Institute of Sciences, Arts and Letters ([7], 1885), the author tells where the dodecahedron was found and reports about the existence of an icosahedron in Turin. The paper is entitled “On an almost regular dodecahedron of stone, with pentagonal faces carved with figures, discovered in the ancient stone huts of Monte Loffa“.
The place of discovery belongs to Sant'Anna del Faedo village of Breonio, in the region of the western Lessini Mountains, called by the ancient historians as the region of Reti and Euganei, who were destroyed and scattered by the Gauls. De’ Stefani is in agreement with several ancient writers, who considered Reti an ancient Italic people of Etruscan origin, that under the Gauls pressure had to find refuge on Alps [8].
The author continues telling that Gauls, “people of wild and fierce aspect”, leaved in the same huts of Monte Loffa the manifest evidence of their presence, shown by tools, weapons and ornaments. “This village or encampment of prehistoric times shows objects of human industry that are represented by flint tools and weapons from the Neolithic period, of Etruscan bronzes type or Euganeo and Gaulish coins and other objects.
The paper has an illustration showing the dodecahedron (see Fig.2).

 Fig.2 Etruscan dodecahedron from Monte Loffa (from ref.7).

The paper continues with a deep discussion of the nature and use of the dodecahedron in Fig.2. Several scholars were interviewed by De’ Stefani, and he came to the conclusion that this dodecahedron was a die.
The paper [7] reports the opinion of Ariodante Fabretti [9], that De’ Stefani received in a letter written by Carlo Cipolla [10]. Fabretti says that it is a die. The signs are conventional, perhaps a sort of numerals. In this case, this specimen is interesting because it seems to show a mixture of dots, as in our modern dice, and Etruscan numbers, adapted from the Greek numerals. On one of the face we can see “IV”, may be, for “four”.
There is also another interesting fact. Fabretti showed to Cipolla an icosahedron that could had some link with this dodecahedron. The icosahedron was made of blue-glazed earthenware. On each face there were impressed some Greek letters. Cipolla asked Fabretti if he knew anything about the origin of the icosahedron. He replied that it was owned by the city of Turin, before coming to the Museum of Antiquities, on occasion of an exchange. It was therefore supposed that this object was found in Piedmont.
It seems that in 1885, the existence of the icosahedron was unpublished. Unfortunately, I do not know where the Turin icosahedron is. Probably it is like that shown in Fig.3, from the second century AD, sold at auction for about $18,000 [11]. In my opinion, the Turin icosahedron could be older.

 Fig3. The icosahedron die of Ref.11.

We could conclude that the ancient people in Italy, trading with Greeks, imported some numerals, and, among the first applications, used them on dice for gambling. In any case, they developed their own numeral system that evolved in the Roman numeral system.

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platonic_solid
2. Regular Polytopes, by Harold Scott Macdonald Coxeter, 1973, Dover, ISBN 0-486-61480-8.
3. The number of things: Pythagoras, geometry and humming strings, by Evans G. Valens, Methuen, 1964.
4. A History of Mathematics, by Carl B. Boyer, Uta C. Merzbach, 1968, John Wiley and Sons
5. Symmetry: Cultural-historical and ontological Aspects of Science-arts relations; the natural and man-made world in an interdisciplinary approach, by György Darvas, 2007, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland
6. A Roman Dodecahedron for measuring distance, A.C. Sparavigna, 2012, arXiv,
[physics.pop-ph], http://arxiv.org/abs/1204.6497
7. Intorno un dodecaedro quasi regolare di pietra a facce pentagonali scolpite con cifre, scoperto nelle antichissime capanne di pietra del Monte Loffa, Stefano De' Stefani, Atti del Reale Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti (1885).
8. Reti http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reti; Euganei, http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euganei, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euganei
9. Ariodante Fabretti (1816 - 1894) was an Italian politician and historian. He was senator of the Kingdom of Italy in the sixteenth legislature. In 1860 he became professor of archaeology at the University of Turin. From 1871 to 1893 he was director of the Egyptian Museum of Turin. In 1876 he became Emeritus Member of the Accademia dei Lincei.
10. Carlo Cipolla (1854 - 1916) was an Italian historian, Professor of Modern History at the University of Turin, 1882-1906, and later at the Institute of Higher Studies in Florence.
11. http://www.georgehart.com/virtual-polyhedra/dice.html

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A dodecahedron of a Roman soldier

In a recent  post (April 2012) I have discussed about Roman Dodecahedra.
After preparing a model of a Roman Dodecahedron, I was able to investigate it as an optical instrument.
In the  paper "A Roman Dodecahedron for measuring distance", published in arXiv, http://arxiv.org/abs/1204.6497 you can find how a Roman soldier could had used it to determine the distance of a target.The dodecahedron is quite simple to use and portable. Someone could tell (or is telling)  that it is more complicated compared to a simple cross-staff. Well, a cross-staff is rather long. In the case it were of bronze, the instrument turned out to be too heavy. Moreover, it seems that the cross-staff had been developed during the 14th century, therefore it was an instrument of the Middle Age in Europe.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Roman Dodecahedra

Recently I have read a very interesting paper entitled "The magic dodecahedron of Gauls, that saved Roman legions: Mirror of Universe  and gauge of seasons." by Cinzia di Cianni, published on La Stampa,   in Italian  (Il dodecaedro magico dei Galli che salvò le legioni romane: Specchio dell’Universo e misura delle stagioni:, July 28, 2010). Here I  shortly discuss this article.
It starts with the following questions. Was is it, "a sacred symbol for Druids or the tip of a scepter? A gauge or a candlestick? Nobody knows what it is really, in spite of the fact that in museums and private collections, we find over than a hundred of them. It is a small hollow object of metal, dating from the fourth century and having a Gallo-Roman origin." The object exists in a variety of designs and sizes, always consists of 12 regular pentagons and this is known as "Roman dodecahedron". All the found "Roman dodecahedra"  have a diameter between 4 and 11 cm. and have at the center of the 12 faces holes of different sizes. Each of the 20 vertices is surmounted by one or three knobs, may be to fit them on some surfaces.
"The Roman dodecahedron is a simple object, actually a "time capsule", containing an incredible density of history and myth. By itself it does not reveal anything relevant because it has no inscriptions on patterned surfaces. No document  speaks about it."  The article continues telling that, in fact,  there are 27 theories about its use, ranging from a game for divination to surveying or military purposes. Scholars gave up probably until some new finds: however, some amateur archaeologists, among them Sjra Wagemans, continue to study this mystery, that is "what was it used for?"
Cinzia di Cianni tells that the first description of the geometrical volume of this object is in the "Timaeus" by Plato. It is a solid as the tetrahedron, octahedron, cube and icosahedron, that is, one of the five Platonic solids. Before Plato, it was also described in the fifth century BC by the Pythagorean Hippasus of Metaponto. "Harmony of proportions and mathematical properties, has continued to captivate artists and scientists, from Euclid to Poincare, from Leonardo to Luca Pacioli, to Escher. So, during several centuries, the dodecahedron had accumulated magic and symbolic features, from Greeks to Celts, from Renaissance to modern times." Di Cianni continues reporting the interest on dodecahedra by  Francesco Maurolico, a Greek mathematician and astronomer of Sicily, who lived in the XVI century, and the contemporary astronomer Jean-Pierre Luminet, who works with data provided by the scientific probe "WMAP" (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe), used to observe the cosmic background radiation in the microwave range.
For what concerns the Roman dodecahedra the article tells that all of them, collected in several European museums, always came from Gaul and the lands of the Celts: Great Britain, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Eastern Europe. A defined scholar theory about their use is still lacking. Recently Sjra Wagemans, of the Dutch multinational DSM Research and amateur  archeology, proposed a theory which assigns an astronomical feature to these objects. Sjra used a bronze copy of a dodecahedron to see that it is possbile to determine the equinoxes of spring and autumn. "The dodecahedron is therefore linked to the agricultural cycle, both sophisticated and simple at the same time, to determine  without a calendar, the most suitable period of time during the autumn for sowing wheat."  And crops were of vital importance for the Roman legions. At the site www.romandodecahedron.com, Wagemans introduced the research and waiting for comments.

Courtesy: DieBuche, Wikipedia

I like very much the discussion by Cinzia di Cianni about this mistery of archaeology.
For what concerns the measurement of time, we know that Romans used gnomons (the Vitruvian equinoxial gnomons) to determine the latitude and that they had very good meridians. In fact, Vitruvius deeply describes in his De Archtectura, how to prepare the analemma. See my Measuring times to determine positionshttp://arxiv.org/abs/1202.2746
It is possible that the dodecahedron was used to determine more precisely the time during the equinoctial period. According to Cinzia, there are  many proposal for their use.
In my opinion it is necessary to study how they can move, since they are biased structures, in order to understand whether they could have been used as dice for divination or bowls for simply playing with them. In a static use of them, the hypothesis for measuring time is quite interesting.
However there is the possibility to use it to measure distances as in the following approach:

Monday, April 23, 2012

Phonons and Auxetics

About me.
One of my researches is on dispersions of phonons.
Quite interesting are the new auxetic materials, providind phononic band-gaps

2011 SPARAVIGNA A.C., Vibrations of a One-Dimensional Host-Guest System, MATERIALS SCIENCES AND APPLICATIONS, Scientific Research, pp. 5, 2011, Vol. 2, pagine da 314 a 318, ISSN: 2153-117X, DOI:10.4236/msa.2011.25041

2007 SPARAVIGNA A., Phonons in conventional and auxetic honeycomb lattices, PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS, APS, pp. 6, 2007, Vol. 76, ISSN: 1098-0121, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.76.134302

2007 SPARAVIGNA A., Phonons dispersions in auxetic lattices, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES, 2007, Vol. 92, pagine da 012100-1 a 012100-4, ISSN: 1742-6596, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/92/1/012100

2007 SPARAVIGNA A.C., Phonons in lattices with rod-like particlesarXiv:0706.4076, 2007

2007 SPARAVIGNA A.C., Phonons in honeycomb and auxetic two-dimensional lattices arXiv:cond-mat/0703257, 2007

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ale's stone boat

Ale's Stones (or Ales stenar) is a megalithic monument in Kaseberga,  southern Sweden. It is a boat of stones,  67 meters long formed. There are 59  boulders of sandstone,  up to 1.8 tonnes each. According to the local  lores,  King Ale lies buried there.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

A calendar of the Bronze Age

Ancient bronze disks, decorations and calendars, http://arxiv.org/abs/1203.2512,
by Amelia Carolina Sparavigna, Department of Applied Science and Technology, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, 

Some ancient bronze disks, found in burial places in Denmark are covered by amazing decorations. These decorations are composed from several concentric circles and spirals, and bands with zigzag lines. As told in Refs.[1,2], some disks can represent the Sun, which was the supreme power of the Bronze Age cosmology in Denmark. It seems that the religion was based on the daily journey of the Sun and on the progression of the year. It is therefore quite logical to discuss these disks as symbols of time progression and therefore as calendars. This is what is proposed in Ref.2, for some of these items, such as the Trundholn Sun Chariot, a bronze disk and a bronze statue of a horse placed on a device with spoked wheels, and the disk of Egtved [3]. Here I will discuss the disk of the Trundholm Sun Chariot, proposing a new interpretation of it, giving a calendar of 360 days.

Among the burial objects of the Early Bronze Age, the Trundholm Sun Chariot (Fig.1, [4]) is beautiful and amazing for the contrast between the fine decoration of the disk and the stylized shapes of chariot and horse. This artifact is also known as Solvognen. The sculpture was discovered in 1902 in a peat bog on the Trundholm moor and is now in the collection of the National Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen. It was cast by the lost wax method [1,5,6]: it means that this technique was known during the Bronze Age. The disk has a diameter of approximately 25 cm. In fact, it consists of two bronze disks, flanged by an outer bronze ring. One of the disks had been gilded on one of his side. The models of the disks had been probably decorated with some standard punches, because concentric circles and spirals seem to be identical in the decoration.

The two sides of the disk are considered as representations of the sun, on a chariot pulled by a horse across the heavens from East to West during the day, showing its bright side, the gilded one. During the night, it returns from West to East [1], showing his “dark side” to the Earth. The sculpture is dated to about 1400 BC [1]. However, the same reference is telling, “a model of a horse-drawn vehicle spoked wheels in Northern Europe at such an early time is surprising”. They were common in the Late Bronze Age, which ranges from 1100 BC to 550 BC. Ref.1 is suggesting a possible Danubian origin or influence, although the Museum supposes it of Nordic origin.

Let us consider the gilded side of the disk: it has the outer zone, which may represent the solar rays (Fig.2, [7]). There is an annulus (the region lying between two large concentric circles) decorated with small multiple concentric circles, linked by a looping band, which creates a “yin and yang” ornamental motif (see Fig.3 on the left) [8]. The image on the right of the same figure is reproducing the dark side of the sun. In Ref.2 the author is proposing that this side is a calendar. The author, Klaus Randsborg is considering the following calculation. Starting from the centre of the disk, we add the number of spirals in each annulus of the disk, multiplied by the order of the annulus where they are, that is (1x1 + 2x8 + 3x20 + 4x25). This results in a total of 177, a number very close to the number of days in six synodic months. In the Reference 2, the author is also proposing a calendar for the Egtved disk and other objects, supposing that the “spiral” symbol, that is, the figure formed by multiple concentric circles or by a true spiral, is representing the day. The annulus where the symbol is places provides the multiplication factor.

Here I propose another interpretation for the decoration in Fig.3, right panel, that is, of the side corresponding to the night. In the inner part of the disk (see the Figure 4), there are the days of a “week”, having therefore 8 days. For the moment, let us not consider the central large circle with many concentric circumferences. It could be a symbol for the cosmos as an ordered and harmonic system, as the cosmos was for the ancient Greeks. In the outer two annuli, there are the weeks of the year, which are 45. Then if we multiply the days in a week by the number of weeks, we obtain 360 days. That is: (8 days) x (45 weeks) = 360 days of the year. As in the ancient Egypt, the year has 360 days: the Egypt divided the year into 12 months of 30 days each, plus five extra days. Let us note that the weeks (see Fig.4) are grouped in two annuli: if we consider the winter solstice as the beginning of the year, the two groups of weeks could have the meaning that during the year there are two seasons, that of a “young sun” followed by the season of a “mature and then old” sun.

Let us note that weeks having eight days existed. The ancient Etruscans developed a week known as the nundinal cycle, around the 8th or 7th century BC. This system passed to Rome, no later than the 6th century BC. It seems that Rome had for a certain period of time a calendar based on two cycles, one having weeks of seven days and the other having eight-day weeks [9]. In any case, using two markers, a marker for the day in the central part and another marker for the week in the outer part, we can use the disk in Fig. 4 as a calendar for a nundinal system. Of course, we need a reference axis, as the black one in the figure. For the five extra days at the end of the year, we can use the circle at the centre of the disk. This is the centre of rotations: everything is turning about it. This figure contains both the end and the beginning of the year, able to “adjust” the circle of time, restoring the cosmic order.

For what concerns the other side of the Trundholm disk, the gilded day-side, I can only tell that, if we consider the total number of spirals (52), central included, and assume that each spiral is representing a week having seven days, we can obtain 364. The central “week” is larger because it contains one or two extra days, depending on years. Is it possible that the Trundholm disk is a calendar having two cycles? The answer is beyond the author’s knowledge. I consider more reliable the 360 days calendar, as in Fig.4, using the night-side of the disk.

Of course, the decorations in the disk could be simply a beautiful decoration. In any case, if we try to repeat it, we need to arrange in some manner the number of circles/spirals at specific relative distances. The two diagrams of Fig.5 are showing how the artist could have assembled the decoration, subdividing in some angular sectors the disk. It is probable that the artist possessed some specific knowledge of geometric rules. In my opinion, further studies of the decorations of ancient bronze artifacts can be useful to understand the progression of human knowledge of mathematics and geometry.

1. Trundholm sun chariot  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trundholm_sun_chariot
2. Klavs Randsborg, SPIRALS! Calendars in the Bronze Age in Denmark, 2010, Adoranten. Vol.2009,  http://www.ssfpa.se/pdf/2009/Randsborg.pdf
3. Egtved Girl,  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egtved_Girl
4. The image of the Trundholm sun chariot was created by Malene Thyssen, downloadable from Wikipedia, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Malene
5. Lost-wax casting  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost-wax_casting
6. Molding (process),. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molding_(process)
7. Note the “rays” at the rim of the golden disk in the image adapted from a picture taken at the National Museum, Copenhagen Denmark, by Kim Bach.
8. The sketches in the Figures 3, 4 and 5 have been created according to the drawings reported in Reference 2. Please see this reference to see the details, which are amazing.
9. Week, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Week, Nundinal cyle,

Fig.1 The Trundholm sun chariot

Fig.2 The gilded solar face of the disk.

Fig.3 Decorations of the front/day (left) and back/night (right) sides of the disk of the Trundholm sun chariot. Note on the left image, the circles linked by a “yin and yang” pattern.

Fig.4. In the inner part of the disk, there are the “days” of a week having 8 days. In the outer two annuli, the weeks of the year, that is 45, subdivided in two “seasons”. We have (8 days) x (45 weeks) = 360 days of the year. We can use the decoration as a calendar, using two markers: one (red) for the day and the other (blue) for the week. In the lower part of the image we can see two examples. We count clockwise from the vertical axis.  This calendar is working as a clock with two hands for days and weeks. For the days, the red marker turns on the first ring. The second marker, the blue, turns on the second ring for the first season, and on the third ring for the second. 

Fig.5. Two diagrams are showing how, probably, the artist had assembled the decoration, subdividing the disk in a few sectors. It seems that the artist knew some geometric rules.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Every breath you take, Every move you make

"Engineers have designed a device that harvests energy from the reverberation of heartbeats through the chest and converts it to electricity to run a pacemaker or an implanted defibrillator.
According to a statement, these medical machines — developed at Michigan University — send electrical signals to the heart to keep it beating in a healthy rhythm.
By taking the place of the batteries that power them today, the new energy harvester could save patients from repeated surgeries."

Read more:
Energy caught from heartbeats could power implanted devices | News | The Engineer

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Why the Ocean is Blue?

"Why is the ocean blue? Speculation about the blue color of the ocean, as seen from above, goes way back. Lord Rayleigh claimed it was simply reflection of the blue sky. The correct explanation required combining the 19th-century ideas of Robert Bunsen, who felt that the color depended on light absorption by water, and Jacques-Louis Soret, who felt that the color was entirely due to scattering. C. V. Raman pointed out the importance of molecular scattering, and in 1923 Vasily Shuleikin combined those ideas to develop a complete explanation of the color of the sea."
In Physics Today, Shedding new light on light in the ocean
Tommy D. Dickey, George W. Kattawar, and Kenneth J. Voss
April 2011, http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3580492
Recent advances are making it possible for optical oceanographers to solve a host of pressing environmental problems.

More Planets than Stars

Microlensing suggests that our galaxy has more planets than stars, buBertram M. Schwarzschild
March 2012, http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/PT.3.1463, Physics Today
Gravitational bending of light reveals exoplanets with large orbital radii.
"Most of the more than 600 exoplanets discovered to date have been found through Doppler evidence of periodic host-star motion or photometric evidence of transits across a star’s face. Both methods are strongly biased in favor of planets with orbital radii much smaller than Earth’s, which defines 1 astronomical unit (AU). Gravitational microlensing is an alternative technique that’s most sensitive to planets a few AU from their stars. It favors very distant stars and it’s relatively unbiased as to stellar mass. Though microlensing’s discovery rate is still modest, it appeals to those who seek a representative galactic survey of planets with orbits like those of the solar system." http://www.physicstoday.org/resource/1/phtoad/v65/i3/p19_s1

Isaac Newton and the Philosopher's Stone

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Newton's_occult_studies
"Of the material sold during the 1936 Sotheby's auction, several documents indicate an interest by Newton in the procurement or development of The Philosopher's Stone. Most notably are documents entitled, "Artephius his secret Book", ...  "The Epistle of Iohn Pontanus"..... , these are themselves a collection of excerpts from another work entitled, "Nicholas Flammel, His Exposition of the Hieroglyphicall Figures which he caused to be painted upon an Arch in St Innocents Church-yard in Paris. Together with The secret Booke of Artephius, And the Epistle of Iohn Pontanus: Containing both the Theoricke and the Practicke of the Philosophers Stone". ...  Nicolas Flamel, (one subject of the aforementioned work) was a notable, though mysterious figure, often associated with the discovery of The Philosopher's Stone, Hieroglyphical Figures, early forms of tarot, and occultism. Artephius, and his "secret book", were also subjects of interest to 17th century alchemists."

As told in the previous post, Isaac Newton became the Master of the Mint. In the case that he had actually discovered the Philosopher's Stone.

Master of the Mint

I read today that Sir Isaac Newton was a "Master of the Mint." It is quite interesting this activity of the great scientist. But, what is the Mint? It is the "place where money is coined." The term derived from a Latin moneta, that we have, as it is, in Italian.
The online etymology dictionary tells that the adjective meaning "perfect" (like a freshly minted coin) is from 1902; hence "mint condition". I like this coin as a fresh mint candy.

Monday, February 27, 2012


"Super-strong, highly conducting graphene is the hottest ticket in physics, but new computer simulations suggest that materials called graphynes could be just as impressive."
Physics - Graphyne May Be Better than Graphene


"Uturuncu, or Uturunku, the highest summit in southwestern Bolivia, is a stratovolcano. ...Researchers have determined that a large, roughly circular "disc" of land surrounding the volcano, approximately 70 km across, has been rising at a rate of 1 to 2 cm per year since at least the early 1990s, making it "one of the fastest uplifting volcanic areas on the Earth"." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uturuncu
and also: Temen que supervolcán Uturuncu se prepare para explotar en Bolivia

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Moon, Venus and Jupiter

February 24, 20:00, Turin

Conjunction: Moon, Venus and Jupiter (and Coolpix)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Flying pyramids

Intrinsic Stability of a Body Hovering in an Oscillating Airflow

Bin Liu, Leif Ristroph, Annie Weathers, Stephen Childress, and Jun Zhang
Published February 9, 2012
Synopsis: Floats Like a Pyramid, Physics, APS

"Writing in Physical Review Letters, Bin Liu and co-workers at New York University present results from experiments on an inanimate pyramid-shaped flyer, or “bug.” Their choice of the shape was made in view of previous experiments with tethered flight, which showed that pyramids could hover in an airflow."

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Another Earth

Astrónomos europeos hallaron un planeta rocoso, como el nuestro que podría contener agua y vida a 22 años luz de la Tierra, en la constelación de Escorpio.

Hallan planeta rocoso que podría contener agua y vida

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Get physical

Michael Quinion (World Wide Words) writes
"Have you noticed how physical has begun to be more popular as one element in retronyms relating to the online world? If you actually go into a store to buy something, instead of ordering online, that’s physical shopping. Similarly, a physical book is one made with ink on dead trees, in contrast to a digital e-book. Both terms have been around for more than a decade but my impression is that they’ve only recently gone mainstream."

Nano 'ears' for nano whispers

"MOVE over microphones, nanophones have arrived. A gold sphere just 60 nanometres in diameter is the most sensitive listening device ever created, paving the way for soundtracks to formerly silent movies of bacteria and other single-celled organisms.
Alexander Ohlinger at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich (LMU), Germany, and colleagues suspended gold nanoparticles in a drop of water. They trapped one sphere in a laser beam and then fired rapid pulses of light from a second laser at others a few micrometres away. The pulses heated the nanoparticles, which disturbed the water around them, generating pressure, or sound, waves."
Gold nano 'ears' set to listen in on cells - health - 13 January 2012 - New Scientist

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Shelter of Candelo

Il ricetto è una struttura fortificata protetta, posta all'interno di un paese, dove si accumulavano i beni (foraggi, vini, etc) della popolazione e, occasionalmente, dove si ritirava la popolazione in caso di attacchi dall'esterno.
The The name Ricetto comes form the latin word "Receptum" that, in the Middle ages, simply meant "Shelter".