Saturday, May 9, 2020

Drugs used in Italy against Covid-19

Drugs used in Italy against Covid-19: Here a review concerning drugs used in Italy against Covid-19 and its effects on humans. The main source of information about trials is the Italian Government. Related links are given. From thse links, the names of trials and  drugs involved have been obtained. Some information and references about drugs have been collected from other web sites. References to scholar papers and news are also given. Drugs mentioned are Tocilizumab, Sarilumab, Siltuximab, Canakinumab, Baricitinib, Methylprednisolone, Selinexor, Hydroxychloroquine, Enoxaparin sodium, Solnatide,  Colchicine,  Emapalumab, Anakinra, Remdesivir, Camostat, Nafamostat, Ivermectin.