Saturday, January 5, 2019

Archaeoastronomy and the study of Chinese Town Planning, Architectures and Monuments

Archaeoastronomy and the study of Chinese Town Planning, Architectures and Monuments: Here the list of my papers on Chinese town planning, architectures and monuments, that I made in the framework of archaeoastronomical studies, and to find possible alignments to sunrise on solstices. In particular, the result obtained in 2012 for the mausoleum of Li Hong (formally Emperor Xiaojing) of Tang near Goushi in Henan, is here discussed again. The Tang Dynasty was a dynasty that ruled during the VII-VIII centuries CE. The mausoleum of the Emperor is a large pyramid with a flat top; near it we find a small pyramid for Empress Ai. The two pyramids are inked by the sunrise on winter solstice.